October 2, 2002 by

possibly the last hawaii pictures.


Categories: General


that title is a lie. i just remembered the ones kim gave to me which have the brilliant pictures of me being viciously attacked by schools of fish. that’s some shit you’ve got to see. except for how all of my readers, (well almost all), have seen them already. it was better when i was putting absurd amounts of pictures on here and no one had seen all my film rolls yet at a group gathering. now though it’s sort of a moot photo gallery. so it’s stupid, and i’m stupid, for continuing to put them up here. then again, according to my wierd site statistics lots of foriegners are reading this (and not commenting. slackers.) so maybe i DO need to put them up.

hmm maybe so maybe so.

14 Responses to possibly the last hawaii pictures.

  1. michele

    the red haze is all thanks to the magical miracle of holding up colored sunglasses over a camera. so don’t be too jealous thinking i really saw such pretty sunsets. cause i didn’t. i created them. 🙂

  2. michele

    or something.

    p.s. i’m glad we’re having all these conversations completely by ourselves. we’re like a special club. a special club who no one else will talk to.

  3. M@

    through the spyglass i observe them. i observe them, not simply because of the entertainment value, nay… i observe them, simply because i can…

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