i ate so many smores this weekend. so many. but then i also walked at least 10 miles. so i feel it all evens out in the end. but does my end even out in the end? i just don’t think so.
and does this make up for the days of no posting? probably not. but whoops only 5 minutes before my work buddies will be zooming off in the car and i gots to go catch my ride.
i’ll do better tomorrow. i promise.
I want smores! Bring some tomorrow night, or else I’ll hit you so hard! Just like last time.
ouch. you’re so vicious. you know what dustin said in one of the many baseball emails yesterday in response to kristen saying you were coming, “i am good with tracy coming as long as she only brings 50% of the pain infliction.” work on that, hun. no more balls in the leg!
you get no smores! and you know why? because i ate ALL 4 OF THE LEFTOVER HUGE ASS CHOCOLATE BARS. there’s no more chocolate for smores because i am a pig. but at least i am not pigpukermanwoman. although i think i stole some of her chocolate. shhh. don’t tell her.
ooh, we should totally make it baseball with smores. we could have a bonfire on the diamond. “no hardball,” sure, but nowhere does it say “no dessert-inspired arson.”
too bad SOMEONE ate all my CHOCOLATE.
and you know that 6.50 i owe you? i ate that too.
Bring on the smores! Yay, baseball and smores. YAY!!!!!!
Honestly, I feel so bad about hurting you, Michele. I’m really sorry.
so michele, did you eat the b-day message you owe me too?
shit! what! hey it’s only the 29th isn’t it? ahh shit! it’s not the 29th! the 29th was yesterday! ahhh bad friend bad friend!
wait till you get your present, honey pie, than you will not be cursing my name. oh no. ho ho. you will be basking in the glory which is my present giving ability.
ps. i can’t believe you actually posted! you must really like me!
(as if there was a doubt.)
you’re just lucky that ben and patty came through and brought me balloons and Bailey’s today for my b-day. At least SOMEONE loves me.
ps- yeah, I could see how that little annoying time and date thingy on the bottom of this little comment feature would never clue you in on either the time or date.
ha ha ha!! man that thing totally says the 30th. i am such a dumbwit.
everybody say happy birthday to marina.
oooo balloons….are you sucking helium? suck that shit. hee hee…sorry. go find the zoot suit boy and pull him into the closet. i’m telling you, it’s all about the suit of zoot.
hi marina, I don’t exactly know you but michele told me to come say happy birthday…except possibly she just wanted one more comment on her already overloaded site. but she really did get you a bomb digger present, she told me all about it, so there’s that to look forward to.
happy birthday marina.
michele didn’t put me up to this, nor did she tell me anything about you. but i did read you’re gettin’ a bodacious gift.
uh, sooo…um, yeah — happy birthday.
(actually, the only reason i’m here is because michelle is paying me to beef up stats in her comment total)
he he
i dont really know who you people are, but i was doiong a search on the internet, and got this site, soo.. umm happy birthday about 3 months ago.. i hope it was a good one..
sorry to invade your website..
(couldnt resist)
oh well, back to the homework- procrastination is over.. yeah right..
invade anytime! i love people who think i’m amusing.
i love smores give me smore smores i also love to have chocolate and marshmallow wars!!! i eat smores even when i watch star trek!!!