October 2, 2002 by

you can’t ride two horses with one ass, sugarplum.


Categories: General


grrr says the coon. grrrrrrowwwwwl. and then he tries to attack me from behind! bastard! of course quickly he changes him mind in the whole enemy/friend categorical index when i hold out my hand full of tasty, tasty cat food. who’s the biotch now, mr coon?

speaking of things that go grrr though. i have actually managed to chemically burn my scalp. my hairdresser was so mad at me. i guess that’s what happens when you dye it one weekend, dye it again the next weekend, and then dye it three times in one weekend 2 weekends after the last dye job. overusage of the hair aisle, i’m telling you: learn from my mistakes. it’s fucking itchy! and it makes me go grrrrrr coon grrrrr!

6 Responses to you can’t ride two horses with one ass, sugarplum.

  1. michele

    yeah there was a brief moment where i contemplated the fact that he might be about to jump me. it was a little scary.

    possibly i should be less flippant and a little more terrifed. he could prob do some serious damage to me.

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