now that pants has left the country for 2 weeks or whatever it is, i think it is our chance to take over his webpage and defile it. what do you say? all this requires is a constant little message from everybody once a day on the last post. completely unrelated to the post and to each other preferebly. hop to it, monkey children. hop hop hop.
November 20, 2002 by
the emptiness of pants
Categories: General
it’s on.
like the czech republic-on
I looked at your wish list and thought maybe I should get you that T.V., but then I thought that if I got you the T.V. then I would have to get you the movies and this would then add up. Also if I got you the movies and T.V. then you would stay home all day watching T.V. and movies. This would cause the economy to get worse thus causing people to lose there jobs, this would not be good. So I came to the solution to do nothing, but now I am causing the economy to slip. This all started with your wish list and the movies and T.V. on it. I hope your happy with yourself.
PLEASE buy me the tv, james. PLEASE.
i’ll be your best friend. and damn the world for a lark anyhoo.
p.s. pals-damn fine start on the pants first-wave attack. demmed fine.
get back to me about the T.V. when I finish college and find a job.