April 25, 2003 by

find waldo


Categories: General

this is funny because i am currently in a UCB class to learn how to do travel vouchers online, and what am i doing instead? updating my blog. ha ha ha!

yesterday i ate cheetos. were they always that crunchy? i don’t think i really approve. i mean honestly….

9 Responses to find waldo

  1. Jacob

    I just got the Coachella schedule, and now I’m not so sure about leaving Sunday night. The two groups that I REALLY want to see on Sunday (RJD2 and Interpol) start playing at 9:00 and 10:55, respectively. But I have to be back in Berkeley to lead a discussion section at 6pm on Monday.


  2. michele

    and we already cancelled our sleeping arrangements for Sunday night. and Kim and Erica have to be at work Monday morning. you’re screwed my friend. i don’t think we can stay untill 11pm. 10, sure. 11….ehhhh….

    do we need to rearrange and take two cars after all? i don’t want to rearrange now! we’re leaving in like 5 hours!


    (i’m back at work now. i passed my class with flying colors.)

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