basically my weekend at coachella revolved around the watching of ben folds, the looking at ben folds backstage, and the getting a signed cd by ben folds. in the picture of ben folds in the wild he has a deer in the headlights kind of look. but really he’s famous (relatively) and in all honesty it was i who was so completely overcome by his grandeur that i couldn’t say a goddamn word when i was getting my cd signed. he said hello to me. hello as in hello you’re the girl who took a picture of me backstage wearing that very skimpy top and will you please stop adjusting your own breasts i recognize you. and i squeaked out a tiny hello, at which point prolonged contact made me completely black out and i remember not very much else about my signing experience. except then we got to walk away and erica and i got to squeal while she told the story about how he patted her shoulder as he said thank you. so fucking fantastic. sigh.

other highlights include kristen’s jared leto experience. going up on stage with erica to watch cafe tecuba, a band we’d never heard of before and still have no idea what they sing about since it was all in foriegn tongues–but yet the thrill of being onstage was a heady delight. particulary considering all the poor sap real fans who were stuck out in the audience. the donnas were fun. ben kweller was incredibly young, blur was great, the blue man group was–in my opinion–super great. head bobbing, one arm punching, jumping, leg behind the head movement fun. and i really liked the vocal stylings of tracy bonham and venus hum who sang with them. i took pictures, they didn’t come out. looking at the blue guys up close was fascinating too because the paint was just dripping off those latex head masks. and watching them blink their eyeballs amidst all that blue was just plain freaky. and finally the most perfect ass to ever grace our vision. this girl was an incredible dancer and really good at twirling fire around. it makes me sad that my other pictures of the mutaytor group did not come out. but i know kristen has at least one with the colored hair extensions fire dancer.

so all my pictures are up. i created a folder for everyone’s and made mine a subfolder so if anyone else wants to put up their pictures they can. and if anyone doesn’t have access to a scanner and would like me to do all the work for them, feel free to hand over said photos and i will take care of you.

i also want to thank gene for the EIGHT CD’S OF COACHELLA MUSIC he made for us to preview on the drive down. that was fucking sweet and amazing. and i loved my little chart for opinion giving. plus it came in handy when i couldn’t remember who the hell someone was and i would look at what i had written and see “hamburger!” and remember that i hadn’t liked them.

i was going to do this whole favorite quotes thing, but now i can’t remember very many of them.

jacob (to a room full of girls): nobody panic, but i’m taking off my pants.

jacob: i’m starkers!

erica: no nothing, no service.

michele: no service to penis swingers.

i also scanned and put up pictures from the jason/me surprise party, the jason going away party, and my birthday. of which, this is by far my favorite.