December 3, 2003 by

school 2004


Categories: General

so i got into the MBA program too. =) now in january (a MONTH from now) i will be starting all sorts of really boring management classes and cool spiff asian studies classes.

optimism makes me reconsider that maybe the mba classes will not be so bad. maybe. maaaaaayyyyybe.

9 Responses to school 2004

  1. Jolie

    Go Michele! You’re just getting accepted into programs all over the place! Well, I guess they are in the same place, but yaknowhatImean. 😉

  2. James

    Great, know I can’t lump all MBA’s into one group called CANNON FODDER, or SPEEDBUMPS. If you are going to become a MBA remember to not sell your soul for the quick buck.

  3. marina

    Wow michele. I’m so incredibly impressed. I still can’t believe you’ll be getting an MBA. PS- the mba classes will suck–mine did at least.

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