December 10, 2003 by

in which i almost give my digits to a curly haired high schooler named max


Categories: General

i just almost died!

i was driving along home from work and puttering at a good speed of 65, my car suddenly spun out of control, slid across 4 lanes sideways, and ended up facing oncoming freeway traffic.

i had to put the car in reverse to get to the side of the road where i practiced deep breathing techniques more for the appearance of things than out of a genuine need to calm down.

once i realized there was no way of stopping the car, it was actually kind of enjoyable. like a roller coaster. but then, yes, true, i could have been slammed by an oncoming 18 wheeler. also, the whole car almost flipped onto it’s side when it stopped from sheer top heavy momentum. and then i had to drive all the way home from contra costa and boyd on regular streets cause i was too nervous to risk driving further on the freeway.

and my mom wants to take my car to oregon. thru snowy mountain passes! i may die driving yet.

18 Responses to in which i almost give my digits to a curly haired high schooler named max

  1. James

    You have better chances of dying on a California Freeway when it rains then on the snow covered roads of Oregon. Of course you have a good chance of dying on any freeway when it is raining. It seems that all the worst drivers come out then and get in your way.

  2. nuala

    Are you okay? I know the accident we were in together was scary enough but freaking turning and looking at on coming traffic must have been…ahhh!

    I’m glad you’re okay. Stupid slippery roads….maybe you need new tires?

  3. marina

    wait a second missy. you send me three emails last night and failed to mention that you were in a horrible car accident? excuse me? that’s why, kristen, my FIRST thought was this had to be a lie.

    i’m glad you’re okay though. and I agree with Jason, who is this teacher and the near exchange of digits?

  4. Jolie

    #1 glad you’re not dead – or hurt at all from what it sounds like

    #2 did you actually get hit, or did you just spin around a lot?

    #2 who is max… and does he TEACH high school, or is he IN high school. This is a crucial distinction to make – digits or not.

  5. Jolie

    true enough, DF, my original assumption was that the boy was IN high school (per Michele’s track record in taste thus far) – but Marina’s comment/question got me all confused.

  6. michele

    marina likes to think the best of me. but no, she is wrong. he was def in high school. soooo young. he looked like a young SDK. it was shocking. him and his two friends chatted me up for 20 minutes during the intermission. i managed to sell pretty much nothing. it was fun.

    both portions of this story are true by the way. there was a boy named max and i did almost give him my number (if only he had asked for it! blast!) and i did spin around on the highway. and the cars were all too far back to hit me and they all slowed down anyway. i almost hit the one in front of me right when i skidded, but then i went sideways and he went forwards so there was no collision at all. i wouldn’t lie about a car accident. that’s a serious thing not a frivolous thing.

    gremlins is bad! good call on the wrong page, holohan!

  7. kati

    Wow, Michele. I am very glad to hear that you weren’t hurt!!

    You could use the near-death anxiety as a reason to get it on with Mr. High School, though. That might not suck.

  8. holohan

    gremlins was a great movie, damn you. and yes, i was speculating that gremlins had invaded michele’s car and caused her spontaneous spin-out.

  9. marina

    I’m sorry for the confusion. I promise never to think the best of michele again (at least when it comes to high schoolers–i really should have known better)

  10. Jolie

    How does someone look like a young SDK? The boy looks 12 years old as it is! If I hadn’t heard him talk about sex that one night at church, I’d wonder if puberty skipped him over altogether.

  11. Brian

    Wow, I had the exact same thing happen to me (including the final facing of oncoming traffic) a couple of years ago on I-95 in Ft. Lauderdale. When the car stopped spinning out of control, I found myself still moving with the flow of traffic, but FACING THE WRONG WAY. I just turned the wheel and kept creeping backward until my car was safely off the road.

    I have to say I agree. Once you accept that you are not in control of the car, it’s a fun ride. (Of course, with how fast it happened, I didn’t come to any realizations until the situation had mostly passed.)

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