December 11, 2003 by

irks my turtle


Categories: General

bronchitis. i have fucking bronchitis. and the flu. and a temperature of 103.5. ok, i don’t have that currently but i had it last night. this is shit. this is such shit. i did get $150 worth of free medication though. i love it when doctors feel sorry for you because you have no insurance and so they give you samples they have lying around the office. beautiful.

6 Responses to irks my turtle

  1. dianna

    Why the fuck don’t you have insurance, missy? If you’re going to be getting deathly ill and getting in terrifying car accidents you should damn well have someone lined up to pay for putting you back together! Go do it now!

  2. michele

    ouch! james, you bastard, you made me laugh which caused wheezing which degenerated into coughing. curse you. in a week i will cough on you but good. muah-ha-ha.

    i have CAR insurance, dianna. if i potentially wreck the car and break a body part that emergency room bill will be paid for. but also, i will have insurance when i start school in january. so it’s all good.

    marina, i am not going to be better. i will try to call you tomorrow. it took me an hour yesterday to work up the energy to get out of bed. it was pathetic.

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