January 31, 2004 by



Categories: General

i just got home from dropping jason off and as i was walking up to my door, i saw something small, and black and white moving across the sidewalk. instantly i panicked thinking it was moo who had somehow managed to escape the locked doors and windows. but then i noticed the odd humping movement of the lower back as it walked and concluded, skunk. how is it possible for a skunk to live in the middle of the city? sure the park is pretty close by, but why then is the skunk not IN the park? i am upset by this blatant disregard for property lines. he’s totally going to get hit by a car. i therefore must feed him from my dwindling supply of cat food which my mother provided me with upon moving. poor little skunk guy.

it’s a SKUNK! what am i THINKING?!

6 Responses to zoomanitarian

  1. jason S

    Woman! Do not befriend a skunk! It is not inzoomane to just let it go back to the park where it can stink up the joint without problems. I’m not helping you hose down your apartment in tomato juice. Wait, maybe I’ll do that.

  2. Jolie

    Good Lord Woman! Racoons are one thing, but I have to back up Jason on this – no more feeding of the skunks! Yes, they are cute and furry, and have a slight likeness to the loveable moo… but SHEESH!

    If Jason has to hose down your apartment with Tomato juice, I want pictures.

  3. James

    Keep the skunk, train the skunk, unleash the skunk on door-to-door sales people, girl scouts, and boy scouts that you may encounter in your lifetime.

  4. michele

    the skunk is either, waaaay too picky, moved somewhere else, or is terrfied even of food. i just checked the food bowl i put out there and it was untouched. so i’ve given this zoomanitarian effort up as a lost cause and will no longer put out food. you can all (jason and jolie) breathe a sigh of relief.

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