February 5, 2004 by

ghengis khan could not keep all his brides filled with sleep


Categories: General

i got a job! now i’m gainfully employed and a student. it’s like…well, it’s like being someone with a job and classes. whee!

my job starts tomorrow at 10am. it’s part time. it’s working for the ricci institute on campus which is a main research arm of the center for pacific asia studies. they publish books, have wide-flung scholars and centers in other countries, they put on lectures, and they have a kick ass library of books mostly in chinese. i am going to be doing proofing work on one of the book projects which is a reference book for works on christianity in china all over the world. i think all over the world. though possibly just north america. well whatever, it is work which allows me to finally, FINALLY, put to use my english degree. and also it is work which keeps in the spirit of the masters degree i am currently working on. so i am very happy. =)

oh, speaking of being a student though. for those of you i have not seen or told, i deferred my entry into the MBA program because i started having doubts about my ability to be an ambitious worker type. and i started thinking that all the money which would be spent on an MBA could be better spent on a PhD in something a whole hell of a lot more interesting. but if i change my mind i can always re-enter in the next year. that will probably not happen though. bah.

7 Responses to ghengis khan could not keep all his brides filled with sleep

  1. michele

    this place is so sweet and already i am being a bad employee by being on the internet. there’s an austrailian scholar sitting not 15 feet from me working on some crazy chinese research. this is beautiful. more later. over and out.

  2. Jolie

    YEAH! Congratulations! Actually, I just interviewed for a summer job at USF las night! Maybe we can BOTH work there! How fun would that be? I won’t know until next week, and my odds are fairly slim because it’s a pretty competetive internship — but it’s fun to think about. =)

    I think that dropping the MBA is a good call. Yeah for holding out for the PhD!

  3. marina

    oh congrats missy. i’m so very happy for you. it sounds like an awesome job.

    and i still feel shitty for not coming up this weekend. just so you know.

  4. michele

    as well you should!

    aw, just kidding. i’ll just have to watch some lame ass cheesy movie with colin firth in it by myself while cursing your name and throwing popcorn at the screen.

    oh and at the job there’s a french father michel too! hee!

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