i’ve been meaning to give some info about my new workplace.
every monday and wednesday i walk thru this library
to reach the room i work in
though i work in the complete opposite corner from where this picture is showing. plus that desk is covered in stacks of books and a computer. truth in advertizing, bah. but it’s called the gold room which is true since the whole ceiling is gold and the wallpaper is green and gold. there’s a silver room too, but it’s for important meetings and has a conference table.
i’m working on the second editionthis book. making an index, updating contact info, and all sorts of fun things.
classical music plays all day long. frenchman talks in french and chinese on the phone. it’s all so pretty and well-lit with piles of chinese books so old they’re held together with string bindings. it makes me incredibly happy.
Where’s the monseigneur? Pictures, woman! Is he single?
ooh la la! c’est magnifique!
j’y aimerais travailler avec toi et les beaux livres.
(translation: dood. i wanna work there.)