February 24, 2004 by



Categories: General

there’s something to be said for buses, in that they can transport you all over the city for a mere buck twenty-five, but why the hell do they have to be composed of so much metal? i swear i have bruises the size of my fist on my ass, thigh, calf, and forearm. how is it possible that one can survive public transportation in a city? i’m waiting for the day when one of the old people goes flying down the aisle because they haven’t had time to reach a seat when the lumbering monstrosity called bus starts up again. it’s like an iron maiden on wheels.

go watch this. it’s cool. plus, cowboy bebop theme song.

5 Responses to skull-crusher

  1. kati

    I worked on a production of Merchant of Venice that had regular iron maidens. And there was a slight little intern (an actual maiden) inside for one scene. Imagine her surprise when the Lazy-Susan-esque turntable the miaden(s) were mounted on stalled, and the whole metal/maiden aparatus fell to the ground with our girl stuck inside.

    I bet that riding a bus is a lot like that.

    I bet it hurts.

  2. jason S

    I have only seen one old lady bite it because the bus didn’t give her a chance to sit down. It’s amazing that it doesn’t happen more with the way those fuckers drive. They really should have a replacement hip in every MUNI first-aid kit.

  3. jenny

    There are few things in life that I find more depressing than riding the bus. I rode the bus in Tacoma for several months (always in the rain) and the discomfort, the dampness, the nasty smell, and the seriously sketchy people all combined to make it one of the least pleasant experiences of my life. My hatred of buses may even dwarf my hatred of spiders. But not my hatred of pincher bugs. I really hate those fuckers.

  4. didofoot

    yeah i saw an old lady bite it on a bus too! i would have gotten up to help her, but i figured i could just wait a while and see if anyone else would do it. sure enough, someone did, and i got to keep my seat.

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