so, as most of you know, it was my birthday yesterday. and for my birthday i wrote a murder mystery game set in indian mythology which i forced people to play on saturday. not only did the usual suspects of kristen, gene, jason, erica, jacob, dianna, christine, anderson, and brian danny play; but also nuala and marina FLEW UP FOR MY BIRTHDAY. it was delightful, let me tell you. if only i could have had the rest of you from far parts and kati vol not having to do a play, it would have been perfect.
an excellent way to see what characters people were playing is by this marked up photo brian danny did. admittedly he spelled both my name and his second wife’s name wrong, but you can get the idea, (gayatri and naruda). costuming was by far the most appealing portion of this extravaganza. i want to wear a sari all the time now and i don’t feel that anderson will ever look properly dressed with his own (albeit deformed) ears ever again.
i think the best part of the game, for me, was when marina told me that she had stolen the golden lotus from kristen and that gene had then stolen it from her. i was flabbergasted by the things people were doing a vast majority of the time. when christine dragged me, gene, erica, and danny into a corner of the hallway between the bathroom and bedroom and said, “Brahma, I’d like to present you with your wife: Saraswati.” and erica blushed and simpered and my mouth dropped open, it was brilliant. also greats: kristen’s cuteness at being in love and loved, anderson’s constant requests of erica for dates and then having sex in the bathtub, jason’s loud demands for the return of his sword (though he never had a sword himself, per se). parts of it were hilarious.
i wish jacob had gotten the sword. i wish i’d given jacob more powers. i sort of wish marina had gotten all the items. i wish BD had followed thru on his 3rd goal to get Shiva and Vishnu to fight. i wish i’d spent more time working on it because the last minute throwing together of it really left some serious plot holes (ie, how was saraswati killed?). but on the whole, i think it worked pretty well and people mostly did everything they needed to do. the last one was still better though i think. better written anyway.
the album on eloise with photos is here. pretty, pretty saris. people who still have photos to upload: danny, jason, anderson, nuala, anyone else who might have had a camera that i can’t remember now; eyebrow lowering glare, ‘hup, hup’.
next time?–pirates! high seas! booty and swashbuckling! possibly written by kristen!
Names fixed. Sorry about not making them fight. That was the only line on the last page of my infosheet, and I just kept forgetting it was important.
Not to mention that that particular goal seemed like it might interfere with my self-preservation. I was just trying to lay low most of the time.
Side note: Jacob is one scary mofo when he’s angry. “Rampaging elephant man” is not too far off the mark. Next time, let it be Nuala or someone small who I secretly tried to assassinate.
i love that picture of me and jason! really, i love all of them. i didn’t get many full frontal portrait shots of people. it really helps to show off the saris.
gene, can you make them be on CH, so i can order all the ones i want from shutterfly at once? is that easy? could i do it? i bet you could do it easier.
jason, will you marry me?
also, i only just caught on to the fact that jacob was wearing all gray. cause he’s an elephant! oh, clever, clever jacob.
Tell you a secret: the grey was totally an accident. The only shirt he could find that seemed to fit the occasion happened to be grey, and so did his pants. And I meant to bring peanuts and feed them to his trunk, but then we were rushed and I forgot them.
Dianna! Shhhh!
Pay no attention to her. It was a masterful plan, well thought out from the start.
Hey, elephant man. Want a peanut? You’ll have to come over here and get it. Closer… closer… follow me… over here now… come on, that’s right… another few steps, that peanut is almost close enough to grab… oh, it moved back again, how mean…
Okay, now that he’s out of the room, everyone feel free to make derogatory elephant jokes.
Also, Michele, put a link back to Cementhorizon on the reading-comments page, damn your eyes. I’m totally incapable of clicking “back” a bunch of times or retyping the url to get back to the main page.
it never used to have one of those…does yours? huh. everyone else’s does. wellllllll….i’ll see what i can do. i never noticed this before.
…eek, a mouse!
(suck on that, elephant)
i have a peanut-y granola bar. jason, you need to try these new granola bars. they are AWESOME. also, will you marry me? i’ll give you a granola bar.
(“elephant trunk”?)
no, wait i’m changing it again.
About Danny’s pictures. I can put them on eloise, or you can. Danny would be the optimum person to do this but I imagine he won’t want to. You’d just need to go to his photo album, click on “larger version” pick the Available size “original” then save the image off and upload it to eloise like you would normally with pictures.
About the CH link at the bottom. I forgot to tweak your template when you updated it to put the CH link in there. I’ll do so soon.
dude, no need. i put the link down there myself.
i also now put danny’s photos on eloise, here.
Yeah, sorry about that. I wasn’t paying attention today.
I just saw those peanut granola bars. They will be my undoing. I will have no time for marriage, since I’ll be being udone.