December 26, 2006 by

forest friars


Categories: General

james, you owe my mom $150!

sorry, but i promised i would make sure you knew. talking about my bra shopping in front of pregnant girls, indeed.

life continues well in oregon on vacation. it stills snows and i still eat it when it lands on my tongue. though, of course, it is more a science of swallowing than eating being, as it is, melted water.

tonight i enlisted the help of my youngest cousin, v, in skulduggery. he is only 8, but i feel he has a promising career ahead in life enabling me to attain dubious wins at cards. his actions today gave me the victory in a game of uno ATTACK–wherein, i traded hands with him when he was down to the glorious calling out of uno and he then set me up with a wild card red so i could win the game. what a clever, dashing youth, says i with general bonhomie and cheer.

moo cow enjoys the change of scenery and the joy of having me wholly to herself again without that tempestuous bundle of warmongering fluff, moggy. (whose nickname may change to ‘warrior’ at this point.)

but enough of these tales of cheating and cats, i leave you with another photo. this is taken while shooting off rockets from a baseball diamond in sunriver. the aptly named, ‘chrome dome’, he of the shiny, shiny gold nose, flew up into the clouds, deployed a faulty parachute, and was carried a good half mile off to the north. ‘so long, chrome dome,’ i yelled in parting while waving my hanky.

3 Responses to forest friars

  1. michele

    well, sure it looks nice, but it doesn’t look that much different from what it did before. except for the blonde highlights on top, maybe. which you can’t even really see in that picture.

    and i’m still working on captions, so if you haven’t looked at the pictures yet, you might consider waiting. you know, if you like my rambling tales that go along with the photos.

  2. James

    I know, I had my checkbook and everything, slipped my mind until I left and was around Mt. Hood. Writing her a check right now, will be put in mail today.

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