May 30, 2005 by

weekend pictures


Categories: General

following the discussion yesterday on condom underwear (underwear with a small pocket to put a condom in, NOT underwear with a condom attached) and the variants of this that we could think of–tea (loose or bagged), potpourri, pipe tobacco (or any other type of plant for smoking), confetti (“it’s a party in my pants”). i was trying to think of other special underwear you could make. but so far my tired brain has only come up with post-it note underwear. underwear with a little pad of post-its attached. this could be marketable to sean.

i put all my pictures from this weekend (slumber party in my empty apartment and the BBQ/baseball party at P-hill park) up on eloise. whoever else took pictures can upload them to that parent album, if you like. if you don’t know how, you can email them to me or call gene.

19 Responses to weekend pictures

  1. Dianna

    You know, I’m pretty thrilled with that picture of Jacob’s escaping glee and my pursuing malice. It was definitely one of the better plays I’ve attempted. I’m also delighted by the video of Gene swinging and yelping, and terrified by that picture of Jason’s ass as he attempts to kill himself climbing down the swingset backwards. Good job, camera woman.

  2. jason s

    Yeah, I’ve never seen so much glee in my whole life. That photo should be on the cover of a Christian video about abstinence or something.

  3. Dianna

    Now, is that “Good healthy fun without sex”, or “He’s running because he knows if she catches him she’ll rip his clothes off”, or “These people should not reproduce”?

  4. jason s

    Dianna, I was thinking #1. Though I had a feeling you might think I meant #3. #2 is like the donkey on “Let’s Make a Deal.”

  5. michele

    yes, i do like the notes feature. but i also like the community of eloise. can you order copies of the pictures on flickr? because that’s important to me too.

  6. michele

    well i logged in and created a buddy icon and commented on one of your pictures. i still like eloise better. it’s got all my pictures already.

  7. michele

    yeah the not getting prints is a clincher for me. i like to order copies. plus i am an exclusive fiend and like our eloise community better. it’s got no rabble.

  8. Danny Dawson

    It’s true that Flickr doesn’t yet offer easy print ordering, but they have found a printing partner and plan to roll out the capability soon.

    Geeknote: I bet some javascript guru could pretty easily write a greasemonkey script adding simple ofoto/shutterfly ordering capability to Flickr. I’m gonna go bug the gmonkey community.

    Also, eloise is not free, just like the Discovery Channel is not free. Eloise is something you already pay for. There are lots of kids who don’t have the Discovery Channel. I grew up without the Discovery Channel. A free Flickr account, on the other hand, is free.

    There are certain situations where the notes feature comes in pretty handy (a simple left-to-right enumeration here becomes difficult to keep track of if you also want to give character descriptions). Commenting on photos sometimes requires referring to a particular part of a photo, and the ability to highlight that part with a note makes things much easier.

    I’ve tried hosting my own pictures, at which point I was using the same software backend that Eloise uses, and I had several problems with that setup. One of these was the software itself – I found it slow and clunky, and it was a pain to go through the upgrade process if I ever wanted to take advantage of new features available in new releases. On Flickr, someone else handles all those upgrades, and I just get to enjoy the frequent feature releases.

    More important than the software itself, though, was the space issue. As my gallery expanded, I was quickly filling up my 1GB (now 2GB) of hosting space, and I would have had to either (a)pay for more hosting space, which gets real expensive real fast, or (b)start uploading lower-quality/smaller-size pictures, in which case the ability to order prints would do nothing for me.

    It’s true that hosting my photos on Eloise would solve a lot of the issues I ran into when hosting my own photos, but I’m a picky bastard when it comes to the kinds of control I like to exert over my online presence, and I’d probably be bugging Gene with questions and requests much more than he or I would be comfortable with. I ask my friends for enough favors. If I’m contributing out-of-pocket for part of my web experience, I want bitching rights, and I don’t like to bitch at my friends.

    Now don’t take any of this to mean that I think everyone else should be using Flickr. On the contrary, I think Eloise is perfect for the kinds of small-community-minded photosharing that’s usually done on CH. I don’t, however, think that the two are mutually exclusive, and I appreciate that Michele made the effort to sign up and comment on one of my pics.

    In short: commenting. That’s why it’s good to have a Flickr account.

  9. didofoot

    but is it ok with you if sometimes we duplicate your albums on eloise? most of your stuff is not CH based so it makes sense to have your own space, which I am enjoying browsing today by the way, but sometimes it’s nice to have them in both places.

  10. michele

    but only those photos from your albums that i want copies of. much like the outlawing of tard ball rules that inconvenience me, i will outlaw all your albums that don’t include pictures of me. so just those ones, just those ones, are they ok to duplicate?

  11. michele

    having now discovered the ability to search in flickr for pictures with the same tag (ie all pictures taken in pleasant hill) i am absurdly delighted to discover another group of fun looking people who seem to live in phill and take pictures at the ceramics studio in DVC. suddenly flickr is looking good to me.

  12. Danny Dawson

    How do you think I made all my SF graffiti friends? I started posting pictures tagged with ribity and people found me. For finding like-minded people with very specific similar interests, Flickr makes the world seem so much smaller.

    And I don’t think I’d mind if you guys ever want to duplicate my pictures in the eloise albums for persistency, but I’d prefer for comments on them to go in my photostream, just so I can read them (eloise doesn’t have rss feeds for comments). In the most ideal situation, there would also be links to the original pictures to make comments even easier…

    Well, in light of those requests: why would it be beneficial to duplicate the albums? If it’s for commenting purposes, it takes less time to sign up for a free Flickr account than to duplicate the album, and then I’d actually read the comments…

    If it’s so that all the pictures of the PHill group are in one place, well…I’m not sure if that can be helped much.

    Sidenote: Gene, why do I have to manually enter <br> tags into my comments here?

  13. gene

    Danny : MT is sensing that you’re using HTML in your comment from your ribity link. I then assumes you’ll do all the formatting. It unfortunately can’t both interpret HTML tags and convert line breaks to either br tags or paragarph tags. Limitation of Movable Type

  14. michele

    eloise is good because:

    1. all pictures of CH group in same place.

    2. all pictures in same place for photo ordering ease.

    3. all photos where everybody on CH knows to go all the time.

    4. all comments easily accessible to everyone on CH (for commenting and viewing–i don’t understand your RSS thing).

    i think it’s great that you use flickr. you have lots of pictures which have made you new friends and which it is nice to share. i like eloise because all my pictures are only of my/our friends doing things and i don’t necessarily need to share that with strangers.

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