

old school


Categories: Movie Reviews

so admittedly this movie was not good. the jokes were generally gross. the romance angle was pathetic. the value system was skewed. but you know what? luke wilson is fucking good to look at. and vince vaughn is a comedic timing genius of a god. the man throws his lines out there with this serious expression even when it’s just telling his kid, “earmuffs” so he can swear. that poor kid.

the thing is though that i laughed a whole bunch in this movie. serious amusing laughter. i have no fucking clue now what the hell i was laughing at because the whole thing was such utter fluff that it was pretty forgettable. but it must have been funny because i laughed and enjoyed it.

plus it was a matinee. so cheap. except for how i paid for my brother too. making it less cheap.


when close friends are sent to war


Categories: General

i almost died a couple of times last night driving home from the inflatable supermodels show in fairfax at 1am way past my bedtime. i kept looking around going, gosh. why is it so dark? and then remembering that my eyes were dilated from an earlier trip to the eye doctor that self-same day. plus the roads were wet and i did a little fishy tail all over an on ramp between freeway junctions. but that was as nothing compared to the horror i felt 2 days prior upon learning that one of my good friends from college, miss lindsay “pizza rice” baynes was being activated from the reserves and deployed.

she left this message on my phone that was like, “deployed. this week. phone being turned off. call me back really soon.” all amongst scary little sob-catching noises. and i panicked! i called erica immediately and told jason and jenny by email the next day.

i tried to call her back at lunch–no go. i then called when i got home from work and managed to learn the semi-relieving news that she wasn’t leaving the country, yet, she was just being activated but kept at a base here in the US somewhere for now. she couldn’t say where though because apparently it’s classified till she gets there or something. wierd.

it’s nice to know that she’s not being sent to iraq or korea at the moment but there’s still that potential and that’s worrisome. i worry at it like a sore tooth. i think, ‘goddamm what if we really do go to war and the shit economy becomes even shittier and lindsay is in the huge-non-fun-playing-sandpit-not-of-our-youths wth guns and and bombs?’ and then i’m tempted to go to the march tomorrow but am still generally against marches and rain and also getting up early. because i don’t believe in anything enough or long enough to care enough to do anything about it.

i did however expend the energy to learn about military blogs. because that was stimulating. my favorite is this one by lieutenant smash but you can find more from this article on them at msnbc.



blue lagoon duo


Categories: Movie Reviews

the blue lagoon

naked brooke sheilds. like the whole movie. holy shit. i mean you see pubic hair. and penises. you see those too.

furthermore they’re COUSINS. and they have a baby. which, you know, is fine. whatever. it’s just that is seems a little odd for a movie of the late 20th century. but whatever. i’m fine with cousins having sex. i’m even fine with them having a baby as long as thier children don’t have babies together. but it’s just a little risque of a topic, one would think, for hollywood. and the director of grease no less.

at the end they get found in thier little dinghy by the father/uncle and are taken back to civilization.

return to the blue lagoon

milla jovovich naked. only not completely naked. she’s always got bottoms on. very small bottoms. but still. and the guy from charmed. the angel/husband/father one. ha ha ha! so young. although really not the 14/17 year olds they’re pretending to be.

at the beginning of this one: the two from the first one are found by a random ship and are already dead, but the kid is still alive. and then he and the girl and her mom get re-shipwrecked on the same island (only it’s really not the same island cause they filmed somewhere else.) mind you the dead guys are also not cousins in this one.

and this one ends with them staying on the island and away from civilization and its “guns.”

furthermore the tagline in the preview (special features) was “out of innocence comes the most sensual love of all.” oh good lord.

they also have a wonderful sex talk thing where the mom takes out a mango and a zucchini looking thing and a knife and it looks like she’s going to hollow out the mango and demonstrate with the zucchini. but then she just says they lie very close together and that’s it. cop out.


what does it say that in 1980 there was a conclusion that returning to civilization was good. and in 1991 civilization was bad? does it reflect world events? or were the moviemaker in charge people just being facetious? heh. either way, other than starting at how gorgeous milla is and how naked they are constantly in the first one, these movies are terrible.


Japanese Fun Time


Categories: General

Or Why Japanese is Better than English.

Kobo Daishi was this famous Japanese Buddhist priest. and we’re talking famous like….umm…elvis presley famous. he pretty much invented the japanese language. sort of. see what happened was they stole the chinese writing and then daishi (die-she) created “uniquely” japanese symbols for all the sounds. later on they said, “fuck you and everything you have done for us, china.” and invaded. but that’s a different story.

real-life re-enactment:

scene: buddhist priest wandering around dispensing wisdom and becoming enlightened while making up lots of little squiggly lines to stand in for sounds.

“Hmmm,” he says to himself or possibly his disiples, “i am so cool with my striaght lines, curved lines, and truncated lines. i can do anything! i bet i could write a poem using each one of these sound-symbols ONLY ONCE.”

end real-life re-enactment.

and then that crazy bastard did. and it’s famous. cause he’s famous. and they used to alphabatize everything in the order of this poem. so like we have a-b-c, they had i-ro-ha. now for some obscure reason they have a-i-u. which makes a lot more sense really.

the point is–could we make a poem using only each letter of our alphabet once? i think not.

english-8, japanese 1.

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baseball 2003


Categories: General

kristen produced an astounding idea today.


should we have them? what would our baseball name be? would we have a league? should we all be representatives from different baseball teams so we can compete against each other? or just have two teams in one league. should we be from sponsors? what do you think? come up with name ideas. i dare you. and then second project will be coming up with logos and designs.

if we do this now, we’ll have it all prepared in plenty of time for when we actually start playing in april or may.

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