seth green and stephanie meyer
i could only be happier if i was also in that photo.
Categories: General
seth green and stephanie meyer
i could only be happier if i was also in that photo.
Categories: General
rejected by kenyon. sigh. stupid phone interview apparently not good enough. good thing i’ve got another one lined up for wednesday with keene state college in new hampshire. (go keane! or fitzkeane as it may be…)
Categories: General
today i downloaded and watched season one of Kyle XY and marina invited me to kuwait. in all a good day.
from an email i sent today:
marina is maybe moving to kuwait for 3 months starting in march (i’ll believe it when i see it) and i kind of said i would go visit her. it’s kuwait! i can’t pass that shit up. they’ve got unexploded ordnances littering the country. it’s like a vacation and potential death trap obstacle course all rolled into one glittery metal death cube.
Categories: General
Categories: General
You heard it here first, folks. I’ve finally garnered an interview to one of my top choices of employment. Special Collections Librarian at Kenyon College in Ohio. Yes, sure, Ohio. But Kenyon!
I’ve applied to a lot of places now (San Francisco, New York, DC, Phoenix, Seattle, Keene, New Hampshire, and London) but this is the first response i’ve gotten, so it’s pretty exciting. And terrifying. Man, I just reread the job description. What am I, nuts? I don’t have the chops for this. Oh, and there you are lovely panic. How I haven’t missed you.
And thus endeth this news report in self-loathing. The End.
Categories: General
for new year’s this year i got myself invited to a murdery mystery game hosted by christine
the murder was that of hal cappone in 20s era chicago. i played silky, the madam of an establishment next to cappone HQ. there were other players too but i was the most important because i turned out to be the murderer! duh duh DUUUUUHHHH. jason was my sidekick in murderering glee.
ok, not really but i like that picture.
after i did my dirty deed and we figured out all the whys and wherefores (plus ate a lot of tasty dinner and drank an inordinate amount of champagne) we played a little rock band.
mmm rock band, how i love you.
rest of my pictures are here.
Categories: General
back in november i got summoned for jury duty. due, however, to my lovely mexican holiday i postponed said duty until the new year. the thought process that went into my postponement went a little something like this:
evil m: we can postpone for up to 6 months. we should postpone the max allowed and hope that we’ve moved away before it comes around again. the perfect excuse! living far away!
angelic m: but it is our duty to be on a jury if so called. remember that 7th heaven ep…
evil m: seriously?!? you’re going to influence this decision with a show created by aaron spelling?
angelic m: the moral of the episode was that the system is only perfect if we all contribute. we have to go to jury duty! lucy camden’s selfishness and her cop husband’s irritating moral do-gooderness taught us this!
evil m: oh my fucking god.
angelic m: the 7th heaven god loves even you.
so i convinced myself to only postpone till after new year’s and therefore got myself re-summoned january 6th. i was pretty pissed at myself the night before when i couldn’t sleep for nervousness of appearing before the law. i have an irrational fear of the law. not so irrational, i guess, if you consider the fruitvale BART police.
i went yesterday, determined to do my civic dty while re-reading terry pratchett’s nation. i was there for a whole hour and a half before a lovely judge came in, told us there were no trials going to jury that day and we were all excused. 2009, my juror duties to you are complete.