so not once. NOT ONCE did i use the bathroom in the frat house. of this fact i am inordinately pleased. you have no idea. even though admittedly brian did clean the bathroom like a mofo and it looked hella better than the other time i spent time in the fratty frat, but still. frat pisser. not something i wanted to step into willingly. possibly now you are asking, “well michele if you didn’t use the bathroom, where did you go?” but the thing is see that i didn’t go at all. which comes, i think, from not drinking anything. and that is probably enough information about the michele bowel movements.
that party was really fun! i was kind of surprised honestly. considering how irritated i was both before the party and then at the beginning of the party with all the fucking wierdos that were there. but then things evened out. and i was like, hey naked hippies, all right. how ya doing, you goth people? ah, people with no fashion sense, what’s up? it was like a bizarre mix that actually worked due in large part, perhaps, to the complete non-intermingling of groups. fascinating.
i actually took a shitload of pictures. but not with a digital camera, (gene), so i can’t send them for eloise. and i am not at home (more sad for me) so i can’t scan the ones i did take yet. but i will. oh yes. and then you can all see them. whether they are on eloise or here or both or something.
speaking of me being not at home. being at work FUCKING SUCKS. not only am i a)sick but b)i left marina at home alone and c)i’m tired! whine whine! shiiiiiit. and i have to be here tomorrow too?! suckity SUCKING.
heh. bah.
brian: thank you soooo SOOOOO much for letting us have the party there! you are so great! and i cannot believe i forgot to ask yesterday when i talked to you if you needed help cleaning up. i hope it wasn’t too messy and everything was fine and umm yeah.
and thanks to gene too for the bonfire idea, which was fucking super sweet. and handling the music and making sure things ran smoothly. thank you thank you!
and thank you to everbody else for drinking the noxiousness and eating the fruit. in one fell swoop i cut my liquor collection in half there. hell yeah. good on me.
oh and thank you to erica, marina, kim, nuala, kristen, brian, and jason who i kissed at midnight because in one feel swoop you increased my kissing experience (able to count on one finger) by 7 (able to count on two hands!). even though, yeah it didn’t really count. and doesn’t seriously make me eligible for the incest court. which is fine since i worked really hard at never getting on that thing in high school and wouldn’t particularly want to slip up now. =P