today in my internet rambles i visited a page where a little script thing followed around my pointer cursor saying, “i’m your stalker now.” considering that this was occuring on a page by a mad phrophet with a schizophrenic personality, one of which was depressed geek and one of which was inane WEREWOLF, this was actually a little more frightening than funny.
i then went to a page by this couple that met on the internet and are now getting married. she’s 23 and he’s 26, from america and britian respectively. hmm i said to myself, i want to find a husband in the UK over the internet…. but i do not want to be her because holy shit. i don’t think that page could have been any more cutesy. it was revolting. she sold these little doll graphics. well…sold as in you could steal them for free. and they’re free anyway cause you can get them anywhere. fucking dumb. however, don’t you think tracy could pass for this one, or vice versa?:

i even had a brief fling with a tagboard on my page before i realized i had to pay 20/year to have it refresh itself automatically and decided it really wasn’t worth it. even though i’d already customized all the color shit. sad waste of time.
i soooo can’t keep my mouth shut. i have tons of shit to say. even if not all of it is very interesting or amusing. or spelled good.
place where i found above pages:
p.s. tracy has a 15 year old alter ego at redhot. (take away one of the t’s at her url. i refuse to link these people, what if they find me and are mad?) whoa i just got sucked into his page. and his 15 year old girlfriend’s page (arielle) good lord. 15 year olds. man.