i would just like to say that i am not particularly against mexican immigrants. but neither am i particularly for them. the thing is that i don’t KNOW what it really means to give them california DL’s or to accept them into our country. does it mean that we pay higher taxes in order to support thier unemployment checks? because i’m not really down with that. or does giving them a DL irregardless of driving ability or financial stability with which to purchase a car just create a rash of accidents and car theivery? it’s possible. not very likely, but once again i don’t know. does thier illegal entry into our country have really any effect on my upper middle class life whatsoever? not noticeably so far. and would their legal acceptance change that? i don’t know.

according to this article/bulletin board many people don’t want more illegal aliens entering the country. do they have any good points? on the flip side there’s all those people claiming EVERYBODY but the indians are illegal immigrants and should be kicked out.

there are books, like this one by Joel Millman in favor of immigrants for economic benefit. (24 sample pages)

“Amnesties such as those mentioned above would only serve to accelerate population growth. If current trends of over one million legal, and over 400,000 illegal, immigrants per year continue, those immigrants plus their offspring will be the main cause of the U.S. population doubling to over 500 million by 2050. Additional amnesties would cause the U.S. population to reach half a billion even sooner than 2050. The continued growth in population threatens the ability of the United States to support a population within its long-term carrying capacity. The environmental degradation caused by overpopulation is too great to ignore. We must protect our environment by halting amnesties and working toward population stabilization.”

the immigration and naturalization service

i think my point is that i’m not trying to be a hater of immigrants. i’m just questioning whether or not it’s an ok thing or a very bad thing. even with all of the above i still don’t feel either fully imformed or decision making ready. but then again, what is my decision really worth? not a whole hell of a lot, i admit. but i think it’s worth something to question the feasibility of granting amnesties right and left.