August 21, 2002 by

argh! stress!


Categories: General

i am so stressed about moving out of my current house. there is so much shit to do still that hasn’t been done yet. and it sucks! suckity suck! and all i want to do is sleep. mmm sleeeeeep….. it’s tempting to skip baseball especially since we have no bat. and it’s also tempting to quit my job now since i’ve been offered another one already starting sept. 1. i think i’n definately going to have to flake on sushi tomorrow. which sucks. maybe i can still do it. ah fuck it. i’m taking monday off from work. erica and jacob–do you have to work monday? do you want to clean monday instead? fuck this whole out by friday night thing. it’s not going to happen. we can move anything that’s left into the garage sunday and clean partially and move everything that’s left out of the garage on monday. which would mean i could help erica take the bed to goodwill and gene could come get his fucking couch and i could still make sushi tomorrow with ellie and whoever else wants to come. there is no point in stressing over this. i hate stressing. it makes me all angry.

this is not as good as aiee! oof. but it is close.


9 Responses to argh! stress!

  1. didofoot

    hi. if you want my vote (and who’s to say you do?) then I say quit your job now, today! yeah! I mean unless you think they will hugely suffer in your absence, in which case give them til friday. but you def should take a week off, because that is the best part about changing jobs. and congrats on the official offer by the way.

  2. michele

    they in fact would suffer horribly in my absense. which is why i am still here. i can’t just leave. but i want a fucking week off. this sucks.

    that is so dumb what i just said. since i am taking a week off. to go to HAWAII. i don’t really need 2 weeks off. OR DO I?

    did you get a bat promise yet?

  3. michele

    hmmm…but if i sit at home all week there will be some issues with HOW FUCKING SLOW the computer is at my mom’s house and then i will avoid the whole thing like the plague and then i will not update AT ALL.

  4. didofoot

    well that will not be any good. you must update daily. you have a duty to your fans. ergo, you must continue to work. sorry, these are the rules.

  5. Jacob

    I *might* have monday off. Next week is pretty open, but I have to meet with lots and lots of professors to figure out what lab I want to go into for the first rotation. So I guess I could do that on days other than Monday, but I’d prefer to get everything done on Sunday.

    Of course, there’s always the possibility that the lack of schedule for next week so far is only because the GAO wants to give us a surprise schedule this Friday.

  6. michele

    well um we can clean everything on sunday. the interior of the house i mean. i’m just saying that i think i will need monday to move things out of the garage. which shouldn’t bother you cause you can be all done on sunday as long as you take all your stuff away from the house and clean things inside and stuff. and garage stuff is not going to hinder us cleaning the inside see? argh no more stressing!

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