August 21, 2002 by



Categories: General

in class right now there are 4 students and the teacher. the 4th student just arrived and the teacher honest to god wrote, “Great – another guy has arrived :-)” he says things like this kind of often really. i want to fucking smack him. too bad he’s in texas or where ever the hell he is. what a dumbass. texan dumbass.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! then he wrote me after class and asked about the anime paper i had mentioned and if he could read it. and i said…well…it’s too big to email but here is the shitty shitty webpage of un-updated version of it. and then he wrote back this:

I just took a quick glance through the site and am definitely impressed – I will definitely return to focus more on it later. Also, can I link to your site from the site for the anime course I taught in May (and in future incarnations of the Web site)?

what a wonderful, wonderful man.

p.s. this is the webpage address which might link to me eventually.

8 Responses to GFS

  1. michele

    hmmm less exciting now that i’ve gone to the actual site. he has an awful lot of links on that page. how will mine stand out?! where’s MY recognition? it’s not there. it’s non-existant. sigh.

  2. michele

    you remember him. umm friends with brendan. with the uno-brow! and that pink shirt. came to my thesis presentation. and then called me. ON THE TELEPHONE. cause he forgot the webpage address and needed it for some report he was doing. so not really a booty call at all. since he likes a different kind of booty. bastard. ummm….worked in the library. his name was christoph only with an improbably amount of zzzz’s and yyy’s in it. cause foriegners, ya know.

  3. erica

    wait, monobrow kryzzzkykkrooov has the website? i thought it was your teacher’s website? who is confused? oh, i think it is me. please to explain???

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