August 22, 2002 by

things to do today: update site. check.


Categories: General

what is wrong with you people today? are you all being tortured and are thus too busy to do anything to your webpages? maybe you are strung up in some freakish experiment to see how long the human leg can really be pulled?

not that i am any paragon of updatedness since it is 4:30 and i haven’t done anything till now. but i was waiting for someone else to get it together so that i could swoop down and beat them to the top of the counter pile. this chance never came. sushi has been at the top since noon. a new record i think. and one to be justifiably proud of perhaps. and no, it was not my comment that was the last one on the site keeping it there at the top. it was jason. friend jason. he was probably just paying me back for the see’s candy bribe though, let’s be honest.

perhaps in reality the reason none of us has updated is because we all spent time in the real world together yesterday. a scary place the real world, and one which apparently infringes on our virtual society of amicable chatting, constant posting, and make-believe entries. (let’s disregard the fact that sean made an entry *today* since he did it at some godawful hour of the morning when all normal people should have been asleep. and besides, he updates so infrequently he doesn’t really count.) no offense there, sean. after all, your page is the “best” one out of all of ours. nominally because of the air of mystery that accumulates around the lack of 3 posts a day and the humor which has NOTHING to do with inside jokes and the rest of the cementhorizon.commmunity. you think you’re so special…….i am not bitter……shut up.

what have we learned from this post?

* michele is still overly fanatical about the counter thing on the homepage. and has developed bizarre rules and regulations to govern her actions so as not to infringe on other people being on top by forcing herself to the top.

* sean is cooler than everybody else. but today everybody else is trying to be cooler than sean by not updating thier pages.

* cheese is the new meat.

* party of five is a good show.

* nuala has a lot of candy upstairs and i am now really, really ill.

9 Responses to things to do today: update site. check.

  1. Sean

    I updated at the only-semi-ungodly hour of 12:50 am. Jigar’s ungodly-houred post is what gave Zembla the ungodly time stamp, but I think that’s only because he’s in Australia. Cementhorizon pages get updated counter-clockwise down there.

    Thanks for saying such nice things about me and the blog.

  2. michele

    p.s. i hate your blog. gene said nice things about it. and now that i have commented on my own blog i will eclipse you to the top of the counter again. ha ha ha ha! and now i will refuse to comment on yours in order to give you back your rightful place.

    p.p.s. just kidding about the hating your blog. chalk it all up to jealousy.

  3. didofoot

    ok, but can I just say, maybe it was the full day of withdrawal, but whatever the reason, I really enjoyed your sushi today. cheese! meat! bwah!

  4. didofoot

    oh wow. i just read this entire post thinking you had just now posted it today. and was slightly confused by a few of the references but for the most part everything was perfectly sense-making.

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