August 29, 2002 by

crap all around


Categories: General

this is henceforth my clean up blog entry. too many little things and i feel the need to write them all down.

i did not win those shoes. someone named urbanbiotch did. i in fact forgot about them entirely which is something i blame on the stike and my lackadaisal attitude towards being up/being online. very upsetting anyway. such nice shoes.

stupid landlord’s wife woman made me give back the keys, complained about the scratches on the floor, the broken back door, the leaning outer wall on the left of the porch, the cat pee, the broken front screen, the black sides of the stairs, etc etc. i blamed the scratches on her, the screen being that way since we moved in, the screw in the back door being gone forever and no idea how or where, the leaning wall being something i couldn’t have managed to do myself, the stairs having been black on the sides forever anyway, the cat urine…well couldn’t really deny that but said we had shampooed it some ourselves and that’s why we paid a cat deposit anyway. she did not know we paid a cat deposit. which made me begin to doubt that we paid one. besides the fact that our main deposit was only $600 total. wtf? cheap ass man. anyway. that’s the current rental house situation for those who care.

i got a new job starting next tuesday. with the california writing project. doing accounting, conference planning, webpage maintenance (hopefully), publishing stuff, travelling, reimbursements, payroll, and i don’t know what else. i’m pretty excited. there’s a window. and a brand new computer. and…tall ceilings. and a window. and clean shiny walls. WINDOW WINDOW WINDOW! it’s on the corner of bancroft and shattuck and if anyone is looking to go eating lunch around there you should let me know. cause i like food. and i will be oh so far away from nuala and kristen in cory hall that i will need new people to eat with. bus schmus. 😛

i have a paper due tomorrow. have i started? no. am i screwed? yes. it is going to be such a bad paper too. oh so bad. ha ha ha. it’s on the virgin suicides and storm riders. why? i don’t know. prob because i have both of those movies and they fit the criteria of being an american made movie that we have watched for class and a foriegn movie.

i watched 3 dvd’s of anime episodes (roughly 30 episodes) while on strike. along with 6 other movies. the anime was card captor sakura. the movies: pandaemonium (not bad), the attic expeditions (um…interesting plus seth green), olive juice (bad), harry potter (much better the longer away one is from reading the books), cinderella 2 (argh.), rock and roll high school (i’ve gained a new appreciation for the ramones), and van wilder (i really like this movie…other than the beating off the dog part.)

the bachelor party is this saturday. hoo boy. naked girls in my house. me being kicked out. bitches. whatever.

i’m going to hawaii in 10 days! maybe i need a little counter downer in the margins….hmmm…maybe i’m too lazy to do that.

def i’m too lazy to continue with this boring boring entry. maybe tomorrow will be better. probably not.

9 Responses to crap all around

  1. michele

    i know i know this is me commenting on my site again. but i’m already on the top. and i forgot to mention some things.

    1) i found a wetwipe! yes!

    2) why is there all of a sudden a plethora of strangers commenting on fancy pants’ site? no fair! i didn’t even get an ablemax comment. sigh.

    3) i also have bits of semi raw cow stuck between my teeth. this is not appealing. and my wetwipe is not going to help me here. moan. why am i telling you all this?

    4) i have interior/exterior private/public monologue difficulties.

  2. Jacob

    So are we getting our deposit back at all? I’m almost positive that we paid a cat deposit….Let me try to find my copy of the lease and see what’s up. How did demon bitch-woman from hell react to reversing the blame? She sounds awfully sure that we caused it all….hopefully we get SOMETHING back, because there’s no fucking way all that damage is from us.

  3. michele

    well she is def taking out for the professional carpet cleaners. i am estimating 2 to 300 for that. i think our cat deposit was prob 200? that’s what they normally are. so we should still get something back. i dunno though. we shall see when she sends us a check i guess. my question is, where the hell is our actual landlord? maybe some relative is at death’s door or something. she best be sending an itemized list for whatever money she takes out too.

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