September 17, 2002 by

mutterings in the ranks


Categories: General

so…this new counter on the CH page…..i know i am just being difficult and contrary now but i don’t know if i like it. it only tells you the LAST comment made on your page but i you have multiple postings the same day or something you have to go and check to see if someone commented on one post and then immediately after another one. maybe this is only a problem for me as i am apparently the only one who multiple posts anymore. or ever really, let’s be honest. maybe nuala posted more than once in one of that last batch. but no one ever comes to CH anymore. where’s the love, people? do not tell me it is dying. i know you’re probably all like offended now and are saying, “hey! i commented just yesterday, bizatch!” but you know what i mean. there’s like 4 comments a day instead of the previous million zinging flings going on. it just seems so dry and stale. like mold-bread. or the insides of old shoes. maybe i am supposed to be content with the email conversation going on currently about the death of baseball. but that’s just depressing and in no way makes me happy or wastes enough time not doing work considering the fact that no one writes back until right before i leave work/after i’ve left. you know what i’m even going to post this and then check back on it over the course of the day and it will continually taunt me with the lack of comments on it. fucking ay and now i’m whining about it. this is so stupid. grrrrr.

5 Responses to mutterings in the ranks

  1. nuala

    Here look I comment just to make you happy. Just so you will not stare at the Cementhorizon page going “Come on please? Say there’s a comment, even if it’s a lie. SAY THERE’S A COMMENT DAMN YOU!!” So now there is a comment so stop yelling at the poor computer.

  2. michele

    ha ha ha! sticky kind is above my grasping reach! i must suffer the painful infliction of cuttings! although…i didn’t actually cut myself at all. so maybe you are just clumsy? ;P

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