October 14, 2002 by

eee eee eee difficulty breathing. hwee.


Categories: General


it’s amazing how much i can ignore the fact of what a dork i am. but i lose it over him. totally. serious solid. i do at least blame this one on nuala. ho.

34 Responses to eee eee eee difficulty breathing. hwee.

  1. didofoot

    and what’s even weirder is how you and jason appear to always be online at exactly the same time…and how we never see you in the same room at the same time, and when he takes off his glasses…great scott! it’s super dobney!

  2. michele

    hmmm yes kristen.

    erica! it’s jake gyllanhaal! bubble boy extraordinaire!

    you know what else is wierd is that i thought it was like 1 and was realy confused as to why i was getting jason email and erica posts so early in the day. than the half hour left of work realization struck and i was exuberantly thrilled. and it’s all thanks to shamai by day, super dobney by night.

  3. michele

    DOOD! it’s jake gyllanhaal. are you blind? am i spelling his name wrong? (quite possibly) at least i know how to pronounce it now.

    i feel like katie in the super market.

  4. michele

    p.s. nuala told me this morning that maggie gyllanhaal and kirsten dunst actually look a lot alike (possibly because of the lighting and the similar dresses) but i have to say in profile here, she does look a bit like kirsten dunst.

  5. erica

    that’s strange, i posted that first query before you told me it was jakey-poo, and then i left the computer, and now i come back and look like an idiot. oh well, back to fighting crime!!

  6. didofoot

    hm. i don’t know if i feel safe with this idiot looker fighting crime. but i guess as long as she doesn’t have to fight jake guysanddolls…

  7. erica

    bedposthaste! as if there was any other option. jake-a-googlie, you are my kryptonite. by the by, can i just mention that in the hallway outside my apartment, children have been screaming, doors have been slamming, and scary grandparents have been yelling for OVER A FUCKING HALF HOUR. i mean really, can these people just get their shit together and leave, already????

  8. erica

    oh, nevermind, they’re not leaving, they’re painting the house. one of them is suspended outside my kitchen window as we speak. weird. i’m getting out of here.

  9. sushi


    oh ‘holy shit!’ what do you think would happen if i convinced my mom to let ME paint the outside of OUR house? i’m thinking……..why is just the door bright green? why not the whole house? and some blue! and leftover yellow! eeeee!! painting spreeeeee..ee..hee..hee….

  10. Tiffany Garrow

    Jake is so hott! If you think he looks good check out the movie: Lovely And Amazing! and god Jacob you are so fine! I’ll be in a relationship with you! 🙂 *~*~*~*~* With lots of love!

    Tiffany Garrow!

    p.s. Jake if you do read this my e-mail is peepers@2ki.net !! thats the real thing! and i’ll always be into you! BIG HUGS, BIG BIG KISS!

  11. dianna

    all i can do is wonder. michele, you seem to attract the strangest commenters around here, and my current working theory is that it’s because everyone is convinced that you are some sort of demigod with mad connections to their favorite celebrities, sportswear lines, and shoes.

    oh wait… 2 out of 3 is a pretty good record. maybe they’re right! so when can you set me up on a date with corin tucker?

  12. Tiffany

    So how long does it take to get a reply?

    Whats just wrong Michelle? So whats the purpose of this site anywho?? Sorry I’m asking so many questions! lol! well i’m in school right now! gotta go! ttyal!

  13. michele

    someone pretending to be jake gyllenhaal and having terrible spelling is what was wrong.

    the purpose of this site is for me to post whatever the hell i want about things i’m interested in, which then my friends (and also strangers) comment on.

  14. nicole


    I LOVE YOU, jake

    eres el mejor de todos

    te amo mucho eres muy lindo simple sencillo te lo vuelvo a decir :

    TE AMO !!

    I LOVE YOU !!

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