October 23, 2002 by

the donnas


Categories: General


ok so my officemate Katie has 2 tickets to see the donnas in san francisco this thursday. who the fuck are the donnas you ask? well it is a good question. for those of you who have seen the movie drive me crazy with adrien grenier and melissa joan hart (they both look really fucking scary in their pictures on imdb), well they were named the electrocutes back then, and they played at the prom in the movie. (so it was some of the songs that WEREN’T by a certain britney spears.) ummm so they play girly punk rock music and are young and loud. if you go to the first link off “the donnas” above you can listen to some of their music.

POtentially i might want to go see them. but the show starts at 9 and i have pottery class till 9. but there are 2 opening acts….so mabe i could go anyway. but there remains the fact there there are two tickets…..so basically what i’m wondering here is: does anyone have any interest in seeing the donnas? i won’t actually know if i get the tickets until thursday, because admittedly she already offered them to someone else first and is waiting to see if that friend contacts her about them.

26 Responses to the donnas

  1. didofoot

    i had a friend who got to travel in their tour bus and interview them.

    wait. that wasn’t my friend. that was just the guy who wrote an interview i read in spin.

    so, no thanks after all.

  2. michele

    it’s free, fool. (and i mean that fool in a good way.) but technically i think the tickets cost $12. but i think katie is just giving them away because i’m pretty sure she got them for free.

    what do you mean you want to go? i’m in shock. hey let’s go after pottery! come on! all the kids are doing it!

  3. nuala

    Well I saw them in Drive me Crazy as well as some other film wh’s name I can’t remember and someone in SB used to have their CD which I borrowed once or twice.

  4. erica

    yes, mishie-bean, they’re not as obscure as all that. i think they’ve been on mtv and all that hootenany and so on and so forth. oh my goodness, nuala posted while i composed my post! drive me crazy, why don’tcha?

  5. michele

    well i didn’t recognize the name offhand see. cause….well i just knew them as the electrocutes. and i don’t watch mtv. or read rolling stone or spin. so i had to do internet research all afternoon. which was way better than working anyway.

  6. erica

    point taken. if i sat at a computer all day, i’d constantly be intentionally forgetting things, just so i could look them up again. not that you intentionally forgot. just intentionally never watch mtv, and really, who can blame you?

  7. erica

    p.s. i have a quandry. for some reason i cannot click on cementhorizon comments on your pages, i have to go to the official cementhorizon page and click on comments, and then i only get to see comments on the most recent entries. but the quandry here is that i don’t want to ask my roommate to help me fix it, b/c what if he starts looking at the pages and commenting? we don’t want that, trust me. any suggestions?

  8. jcorn@uclink.berkeley.edu

    Uh-oh…does that mean that someone tried to call her with her own stolen cell phone? Or they called on their cell phone to let her know that they found it?

  9. michele

    we called her cell phone and attmpted to talk to them. also they accidentally called gene’s phone and hung up again. why? we don’t know. she cancelled it already and got a new one. no biggie.

  10. jason

    They don’t speak good english? Do they speak some language that Nuala is perhaps trying to learn? They could possibly set up some sort of pen-pal relationship. In this way, a negative experience could quickly turn into a very positive opportunity.

  11. nuala

    Thanks for the concern over the purse. I’m still angry at those bastards who answered the phone. If you’re going to steal it, steal it right and don’t answer. I’ve decided I’m going to harass whoever they called when i get my phone bill cause they called people. They’re going down!

  12. teddy

    i just seein The Donnas in november in SAN FRANCISCO

    at some cd store and seein them play it was cool

    do you know were i can get tickets for the next show

    any were

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