October 28, 2002 by

in which i am found charming and catherine martin would really like me.


Categories: General

when i went to see la boheme (my review here) on saturday, we (my mom, nuala, nuala’s mom rosemary), went out dinner with one of the ensemble cast members who is friend’s with nuala’s sister ady. and she liked my sugar shoes. (cause who doesn’t?) and made the all together startling and complimentary remark that catherine martin (baz luhrmann’s wife and the production/costume designer for his projects) would really like me. this was thrilling. i always wanted to be a clothing designer. i had a dream. and then i went and got an english degree. useless. fucking useless. and now i’ll probably get an english masters in 19th century british literature too. why? no good reason. well one good reason: just to write a paper about the pre-raphaelites and art/lit. it’s not a very good reason. but neither is going to the university of london simply to study and hear lectures under laura mulvey, one of the most brilliant film critics around these days in my opinion. what use will a masters or phd in film theory really be? REALLY?

in other news. moosers has a cold. she keeps sneezing. and making these whuffling noises and then snot comes out her nose. she is a snot machine. it’s kind of cutely gross. fuk-o also tried to kill fatus in the side yard yesterday morning but came out the worse for wear with his ruff all scragged and his claws broken. he is a defeated cock of the walk currently. but that didn’t stop him from trying to beat the shit out of my fatus again this morning. this is an unpleasant development.

and people think i’m charming? well, they just do. apparently.

6 Responses to in which i am found charming and catherine martin would really like me.

  1. erica

    moosers really is the reigning princess of cutedom. but michele, mightn’t you add an extra “t” to fatus? every time i read it, i see fetus, and it grosses me out more than mooserboogers.

  2. michele

    i COULD add another t. though for the life of me, i don’t see “fetus” but then again when i/others inadvertantly spell “like,” “liek” i always see “lick” so i guess i can understand where you’re coming from.

  3. michele

    poor moosers got chased all over the house this morning by sammy and her tail went all WHOOF fluffy. and then she was having difficulty breathing and making all these whuffly wheezes and i was VERY MAD at sammy.

    and then goddamm jesus christ sneezed on me. stupid kitten.

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