October 29, 2002 by

still freaked out about marriage


Categories: General

yesterday i read my horoscope in the berkeleyan newspaper on the bus as i was traveling towards nuala for my ride home and it said:

the question of marriage looms large presently.

i shit you not.

but then today i discovered the following:

July 27, 2002 � Cecil and Michele G* of Farmington, a daughter, Bethany Marie.

so apparently i am in the clear. because not only am i married to someone named cecil, he took MY last name (pansy ass), i live in exeter (where the hell is exeter?), and i have a daughter named bethany marie. sch-weet. suck on that, relatives with the piggy eyes. suck on that.

i came to the decision this morning while hopped up on krispy kremes that i’m going to at least have to take a date to the wedding this summer. going with my mother to another wedding is just not going to cut it. even i’ve got standards.

9 Responses to still freaked out about marriage

  1. michele

    people from the national writing project keep finding out that i have a box of them over here and then they come over and are like, “i heard you have some krispy kremes.” “why yes,” i say, “i do.” pause. me: “would you like one?” “REALLY?” “yeah sure.” them=whee whee whee all the way home.

  2. nuala

    hee hee…you mean they aren’t even gone yet? What is really sad is I didn’t even get to try the pumpkin, I offered to everyone first and I was denied. I blame myself.

  3. michele

    i’ve got the pumpkin that i took a bite out of left. you wanna i should bring it for you?

    marc: maybe we could substitute a bouquet of krispy kreme’s for the bride’s flowers when it comes time to throw down. rumble in oregon tonight, lemme tell you.

  4. james

    Why didn’t you let us know you got married and cloned a child and called it your own.

    Thats it no more chocolate covered, suger covered, Krispy Kreme, if you are not going to share.

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