November 1, 2002 by



Categories: General

i make a poll! yeah! ahem. well the thing is see, that now that one of my very limited forms of entertainment has been viciously seized away from me (kristen’s comments feature) i am wondering….are comments really the answer? what if the hoky poky really IS what it’s all about? you lemme know what you think. because i have a crafty poll.

comment features: how do you feel?

the poll.

do you believe that a page sans comments has a certain mystique to it which makes each and every post more intriguing and inherently interesting to read?

do you think that is only because you can’t talk about it and analyze it immediately and have to go back to the slower and less public method of emailing the writer directly?

does not having comments make you want to rip your hair out and swallow your face from sheer boredom?

do you obsessively check comments to look for updates and hate yourself for being so uber-dependent?

are you going to refresh the answers to this poll now, mindnumbingly, due to your insatiable draw to it’s beauty and potential to give you something new to read (don’t forget, you can vote more than once)?

do you think comments are a waste of time, space, and breath which only lead to misunderstandings and violent internet ballets?

do you think at all?

is thought beyond you like a banana peel behind a mario kart racer?

do you think i’m excessively silly?

View results without voting.

7 Responses to Poll(y)anna

  1. michele

    hmmm apparently it does limit your ability to vote. and then taunts you with random south parkian references.

    i voted for the woman my mom has on a stick in the front yard. (november 5th is voting day fyi.)

  2. jason

    You can’t get rid of the comments! What are you doing?! Did Kristen get rid of her comments, because I can’t see them anymore. What is she doing?!

  3. michele

    she’s experimenting with a stage of not being addicted to her own comments.

    i’m not getting rid of mine. hoo boy. i would never. think how much more my life would suck then. i ain’t stupid, boy.

  4. michele

    you know what’s sad is that in like 1 hour of having posted a poll on his page, ian had like 50 votes. and mine’s been here a good 5 hours now and only has 13 votes. and i’m sure at least 5 of them were from me.

    and if that doesn’t tell you how obsessed _I_ am, i don’t know what will.

  5. didofoot

    actually, I continue to be addicted, but now I’m addicted to other people’s comments.

    Surely, that’s healthier? Right?

    I voted the face-eating one though. Because it is high-larious.

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