November 4, 2002 by

a little risky business, anyone? anyone?


Categories: General

so i’m sitting around at kim’s house right now where i am house sitting. for cash. well a check which i have yet to cash at any rate. and when i first walked in the door this evening i was all mad cause i don’t have my pajamas. and i LIKE my pajamas, right? they are soft and fuzzy. and i wanted NOT to be wearing the clothes i was wearing all day. so i’m washing all the dirty dishes from yesterday’s musical meeting and contemplating how i can be wearing comfortable clothes within like 5 minutes tops. now…i can’t steal clothing from kim’s parents cause that’s just wierd. i don’t think kim has any clothes here still and even if she did i bet they wouldn’t fit me since i have given her clothing that no longer fits me. her brother is a fucking stick so that option is pretty much right out. so basically what we’re looking at here are the clothes i wore today and the shirt i took in the car in case we played with pottery tonight before coming home. (we didn’t. no “porn putty” for me tonight.) [this is a fascinating story isn’t it? i know you’re all deeply involved.] right, so i put on the tshirt figuring it’s the best option. it’s really not that great though. removal of the bra quickly follows. but the pants, being not fuzzy and not with a drawstring are still bugging me, so i decide they’ve got to go. but then my ass would be barely be covered by the t-shirt, ok? and it would be cold. so i have to put the huge, hand-me-down button up dress shirt of my dad’s back on before dispensing with the pants. so now that i’m basically wearing a man’s button up shirt, socks, and underwear, i figure it’s time for loud music, sliding across hard wood floors, and whores coming to the door, a la tom cruise’s risky business.

rather than actually CALL any whores though, i decided just to write all this down so you could be reading a fucking striptease. what is wrong with me? this just ain’t right.

with all the wonderful catchphrases in this post though, i bet you i’ll get a lot more disappointed idiots looking for porn. woo-ee, lucky me.

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