November 5, 2002 by

the michele quiz


Categories: General

so i just made this quiz and you can all go take it! apparently they want a valid email address if you go thru this link:

Take my Quiz on!

but you can always give a fake one. if you know what i’m saying, wink wink. and yeah yeah i know i emailed the quiz to a whole mess of you already, but i didn’t know at the time that they were going to give me an html link. stoopid stoopid. whatever. go take the quiz! strap on those competitve boots and get to stepping! and then make your own quiz so i have something to do at work tomorrow besides going out to lunch. lunch is only a very small part of the day people. i need more entertainment than that.

this quiz thing has actually come about due to my brother who created one first and then sent it to me. my issue while taking his was that he actually managed to select the WRONG answers to some of his own questions so that then even though i answered them CORRECTLY, i still got them wrong. i was so fucking pissed! i HATE doing badly on tests! and when it’s questions like “where was i born” and i know the answer is not oakland, and “how many tattoos do i have?” and i know it’s 2 and not 3. justifiable pissed-ness. heh. i legitmately missed 2 of the questions, and i suppose an 80% is not baaaad per se, but 60%? i could cry. now all his friends will think his own sister doesn’t know him. i will be a laughingstock. the shame. the humanity. sigh.

15 Responses to the michele quiz

  1. brian

    Hahahahahya…I got a higher score than erica or jason. It IS racially biased. Or at least species-ally biased. Or…hahahha.

    Michele-one-L, I’m looking forward to finally meeting you, but I still don’t know who the alter ego is.

  2. michele

    moan! you are all horrible friends, and i’m an even more horrible friend for making you take such a terribly racist test. i feel so bad! i’m so sorry you got wrong answers! i hate wrong answers! sob.

    nobody has even cracked 80 yet. you are all average to below average grade friends. maybe i should make an easier test…..maybe i should just leave well enough alone….maybe i should give hints to the people who haven’t taken it yet….maybe i should get off the internet and go watch buffy…

  3. didofoot

    dood. i will be making tests for you ALL DAY LONG. kind of like when we discovered the site that lets you make your own cartoon with nn-ch-nn-ch music. say, what happened to that site?

  4. michele

    i know. i LOVED that site. but now i can’t even remember its address.

    erica: fave rave line from buffy:

    “but his physical presence has a penis.”

    “i can work around that.”

  5. michele

    muah! i just took nuala’s quiz and got 100%! yes! you know what this means? it means her questions were too easy…..well but some of them were hard….it means i’m super 8 great!

  6. kati

    My score was laughable… but I was pretty much guessing.

    I am a sad person, who doesn’t know enough about the wonderful Michele.

  7. michele

    kati- you tied on how well you know me with “poop” and “god”. so that’s not too bad. =P

    a third person just took it too. calling themselves scott harshman but with an email address of now that bothers me. i want to know if scott is really reading my page or someone is just fucking with me.

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