November 5, 2002 by

vietnamese revelations


Categories: General

i just had a really good lunch at this vietnamese restaurant on shattuck at the corner of addison. so good and cheap too. ummm i had eggplant and tofu with fried rice and it was under $5 and i took home leftovers. ok anyway so i am shamelessly plugging saigon express now. go! eat! be merry! yummm….

and speaking of vietnam. my co-worker, katie, whose birthday it was yesterday and why we went there in the first place, was packed up in a crate at the age of 2 and stowed away on a boat to escape from vietnam with her mother. and not only that but she’s a war baby and they don’t even know her father’s name. how amazing is that? i write about all these little children the other day due to that book, and then discover intimate details of the same sort about someone i actually know.

10 Responses to vietnamese revelations

  1. Jacob

    What time did you have lunch? I was right around the corner at the Mediterranean Crepe place (don’t laugh, it’s good) from 12-1….

    Next time you go to Saigon Express, try the eggrolls with vermicelli rice noodles. Verrrrrry tasty!

  2. michele

    hee hee hee….

    well but….eggplant and tofu is tasty especially when drenched in hoisin sauce….

    sigh. i am a liar.

    but at least i’m a liar who finally elicited a comment.

    SO BORED!!!! ARGH!!!

  3. michele

    whatever. you could not be more bored than me. let’s fight over it. but really let’s not because even that is incredibly boring.

    jacob- i have been tempted by that crepe place. and….i saw the vermicelli with eggrolls. katie got it. i umm…was not really appetized by it, even though i hear it’s one of their best dishes. screw that shit i say. eggplant and tofu and hoisin! yeah!

    oh and like…12:45 to 1:30. we overlapped! overlappage!

  4. Jacob

    The crepe place isn’t half bad. $6.00 gets you a nice-sized crepe, a salad, and those chopped-up-skillet-potatoes that I love so much. Or, if you’re me, you can skip the salad and enjoy a heaping pile of potato. The crepes themselves are pretty decent (much better than Crepes A-Go-Go), and there’s a wiiiiide variety to choose from (so the absolutely PERFECT crepe might just be one that I haven’t tried yet)

  5. didofoot

    i think it’s fascinating that you all seized on the food part to talk about, rather than the person in crate part.

    I personally would not like to be in a crate. but anderson would.

    michele, please blog that story because it is high-larious.

  6. michele

    it’s amazing how many times you make us tell the anderson in a box story. seriously. i will write to him and ask him to write a little thing about it and then post that. maybe. if he ever writes back.

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