November 6, 2002 by

crate girl


Categories: General

so katie, who i work with, just informed me that she is LEAVING at the end of the month. she is going away back to santa barbara to work and leaving me all alone. i bet you anything this will mean i will be saddled with all her work too! i can’t do all her work! i can barely do all of my work! ahhhhH!!!!! this is going to suck so much ass i can’t even tell you. soon i will probably just quit and be working at mcdonalds with brian. and i’m not supposed to know yet and have to act surprised when my boss gets around to telling me. mooooaaaaan……this job will suck so much without crate girl here to liven me up and act as a buffer between me and the overly stressed/hyperactive worker queen bee boss.

11 Responses to crate girl

  1. Nuala

    I’m sorry. That sucks so much, but it’ll be ok. You’ll see. Everything will be fine. (she says in a calm soothing voice so that Michele does not bolt and leave me all alone!

  2. james

    let me know if they need a replacement that will make them think,

    “What in the hell have we hired!!!!”

    and will try to hire back Katie and give both of you big raises.

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