November 7, 2002 by

happy birthday, mr shamai!


Categories: General

man you are so fucking funny and i love you SO MUCH!


tomorrow you’ll be getting a special birthday treat, ok? ok. =)


that either says, “jew go home” or “death to jews.” either way it is completely inappropriate, but i couldn’t find a better picture. i mean erica got tarepandas and jacob got the shitty children’s drawings and kristen got cake and nuala got great america. and you, to you jason, i give slanderous epithats against your people and your nation. but then i did do really badly on your friendship test too…

7 Responses to happy birthday, mr shamai!

  1. didofoot

    happy (late) birthday jason. i didn’t give you a birthday blog, because you know my constituency would never allow me to openly support a racist.

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