November 8, 2002 by

fucking shit up venus style


Categories: General

this morning, katie the coworker not k to the t, was complaining of hunger pains. i therefore informed her that i knew someone who was just starting work at venus down the street a whole half block. she immediately demanded that we go there for lunch and be supportive. i at this point didn’t have the heart to tell her i wasn’t supposed to come and make faces while holding up victory signs. so we went. and was BAG there? hell no he wasn’t! victory signs were drooping let me tell you. so on the way out i knocked a fork off a table and onto the ground. at which point i laughed heartily and prolaimed myself a freind of a certain mr green who had begun work there and who they should seriously consider holding up for a penal review at once. i then proceeded to storm out.

the salmon cakes and potatos are very good. and i felt really badly about my klutziness and the fork and gave it to one of the waiters while apologizing profusely.

13 Responses to fucking shit up venus style

  1. brian

    Thank you. That was funny. What you don’t know is that I was hiding in the upper office watching you the whole time. The devil guy with the goatee was your server, right?

    I didn’t see any victory signs…

  2. michele

    there’s an upper office? ummm well the guy with the glasses rang me up and the evil guy gave me my food in a bag and took the fork from me and said to me, “you can’t let us have anything nice here, can you?”

    they were invisible but very powerfully supportive victory signs.

  3. brian

    bagtastic. Yeah, in order to get to the upper office, you have to climb an aluminium ladder in the rear of the kitchen area. Very kitsch.

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