November 8, 2002 by

puddles and poodles


Categories: General

today the car in front of me made this big splash when going thru a puddle and i went, “whoo!” and nuala went, “uhoh” and then i went thru it really fast! splashy splashy! holy shit it was so much funny. nuala then informed me that i had in fact been spraying unsuspecting students walking along the sidewalk yesterday too. i was both horrified and highly amused. i mean, i would like to think that if i was causing strife to the fucking students i’d at least be doing it on PURPOSE. ….think you can walk in front of me on the crosswalk….think again, bitches and hos. suck it! my dislike/jealousy for them surpasses all bounds of decency really.

anyway the whole puddle thing reminded me of when i was in high school and my bro was the only one with a car, being as how he is older than me, so he would drive us to and from school (he didn’t like that one bit, let me tell you, we have not always been inthe cahoots together that we are now), and when it was rainy and wet he would make a special detour to catch as many huge fucking puddles as he possibly could and i swear it was always one of my very favorite things about his driving skills. his other notable driving skill was that the windshild soapy water thing was broken in such a way that if you utilized it, it would spray out towards the right side of the car. this technique was used to good effect if some unsuspecting citizen was walking along the sidewalk and he felt the need to dampen thier day a little bit. sometimes he would even do it to my friends just for fun. for which i would of course scold him like a good friend, but would actually be giggling maniacally on the inside per ususal twisted humor.

also today i managed to feel up jacob’s crotch. how did i do that you ask? well he snuck up behind me on the street as i was walking towards work and my arms were carefree swinging (as if i had a straw hat on) and i managed to brush one hand against him, the sneaky bastard i was immediately contrite, but also embarressed and so said sorry but didn’t really want to make eye contact. but something out the of the corner of my vision seemed awfully familiar and then he said, “that’s ok.” and i was like holy shit! jacob! it’s funny cause just the other day i was complaining that kristen, nuala, and tracy have had jacob on campus sitings but not me. and here was mine! with illicit contact!

jacob wrote about the rain today too and i am sooo in concurrance with him. i’ve missed the rain a lot too and it makes me so happy now to look outside and see the gray and the wind whipping all the trees into a frenzied dance where everything falls down broken like humpty dumpty. seriously, the front yard at my house is littered with huge palm tree branches. and the whistling and the beating of it and when your hair goes all crazy and everything is drenched in seconds and you can spin and spin and spin and jump in puddles really big. storms make me so happy.

we have no poodles today.

6 Responses to puddles and poodles

  1. Jacob

    Well, it wasn’t so much a crotch-brushing. In fact, it was more like a lower thigh brushing. Of course, in my case, everything down to my knees could be considered crotch.

    This comment ha been brought to you by total inappropriateness.

  2. didofoot

    “Moby, why you always hangin’ onto your dick?”

    “Ain’t gentlemanly to let it drag along behind…”

    That was Kenny’s favorite quote and I apologize, now, to everyone.

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