November 21, 2002 by



Categories: General

the other day when i was at this place getting something for a certain surprise for a boy named mr. s who we all know i saw this big um truck machine thing on the street that was making lots of construction type noises and being dirty, polluting the air. as it drove off though, i finally noticed the lettering on the side. “ditch witch.”

yesterday i took bart to and from work so that i could leave a little early and meet ellie to see frida again in the dome, there was a sign hung at the station:

WHACK! POW! WHOOSH! KABLAM! But in a tender, loving way.”

uh-huh. baby, if you’ll just come back to me, i’ll promise to never hit you again.

it was for a pair of diamond earrings. wtf?

6 Responses to signs

  1. holohan

    the language of the jewelry-based violence is very cartoonish (reminiscent of the old bat man tv series, which wasn’t actually a cartoon, but cartoonish nonetheless), so my guess is the jewelry company things that if they cartoonize the violence it’ll be okay. maybe they didn’t go far enough.

    what about, “It’s like a cat dropping a piano on you from a tenth story window, but in a good way.” that would at least eliminate any possible connotation to domestic violence.

  2. james

    The problem with the diamond industry is that they set the price that they think that we should pay. Think about it who in there right mind has two months worth of pay that they are willing to fork over to a company for a pair of diamond earrings that some african nation had to dig up out of the ground, knowing fully that the miner was a little kid and that kid gets next to nothing for there work.

  3. michele

    ok i wasn’t actually trying to be with the more discussion of violence towards women, this is actually kind of an inside joke involving a certain pizza rice baynes and erica. which since neither of them appear to have read this or commented, makes no sense to any of the rest of you. just ignore it. it’s seriously not important or worthy of more diatribe or spleen spewing.

  4. michele

    oh holy fuck. if any of you take the fact that i was somehow inferring domestic violence to be “not important” i will probably scream my lungs out and never speak to you again.

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