November 24, 2002 by

aunt mary day


Categories: General

today is being unofficially declared as my aunt mary’s day, because SHE out of everybody that has taken that horrible quiz of mine got an 80%! and seriously she should have gotten a 100, because the two she missed were the food one and the watching movies one, which was funny as whenever i would go to her house while i was still at school all we would do all weekend was go to the movie theatre and at least one meal would be chinese. she claimed spaciness as the cause of her brief forgetting, i love my aunt mary.


(aunt mary, me with curls that were courtesy of aunt mary, and my mom at the beachhouse [it even had a spa] in newport, oregon.)

7 Responses to aunt mary day

  1. james

    Good Lord

    Hair in curling hair thingies and playing Magic the Gathering Card Game.

    It doesn’t get cooler then that.

    Unless listening to Disturbed while typing this comment.

  2. michele

    i’m not sure why i set myself up for the embarressment that was bound to fall by putting a picture of me playing magic: the gathering on my page. admittedly since you seem to be the only person who has noticed it so far and you were there playing too, i am so far not too ashamed. you used to jump around on the bed and moon us after all. =)

    by the way i hear you got a 60 on my quiz. noyce.

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