November 24, 2002 by



Categories: General

last night when i was driving home and listening to my brother’s wacky stereo satellite system thing, this song came on between two completely ordinary alt rock songs which went a little something like this:

push the flowers up and make them grow! push the flowers up and make them grow! push the flowers up and make them grow! push the flowers up and make them grow! push the flowers up and make them grow! push the flowers up and make them grow! push the flowers up and make them grow!

it went on like this for a good three minutes. i was throughly creeped out. especially when the insane voice started lengthing all the vowels. so it would be:

puuu-ush the flooww-ers up and maaay-aake them groo-oowww!”

holy sweet fucking jesus. of course actually changing the station seemed like a bad idea because i felt that if i reached towards the dial the satanic little troll would snatch me. and i seriously was not looking for a snatching. i really wish i had the ability to do wav files right now, because you need to hear what this sounded like i think to truly understand how seriously whack it was. someday maybe i’ll put on an impromptu concert of it for you.

then i noticed that the window to the back bed of the truck was open. cause i had opened it earlier in order to throw things back there to make more room in the “backseat” (it’s soooo not a seat). and the open-ness of it reminded me that the back hatch doesn’t lock anymore so at any point when i wasn’t in the car, ie at the bar or at denny’s, someone could have crawled in the back and been hiding there without my knowledge. so after the fucking scary ass puppet song/voice i kept looking back there expecting to see a long haired freak with a grimace and a knife. it was difficult keeping my eyes on the forward drive and not in the rearview mirror.

but i made it home safely. grin. as you can tell. and then got laughing shit from my mother this morning about how late i got home. which was admittedly funny since usually i am totally home and in bed by midnight at the very latest. so four in the morning was a bit of a shocker all around. mmmmm i had so much fun this weekend though! and now a two day week stretches ahead of me in its simple minuteness and i am made so happy just by the thought of it.

12 Responses to puppetttttssssss….

  1. holohan

    you left out the part about how there was a car following you that kept putting its high beams on, and followed you all the way home, and then the driver told you that he was there to vipe the vindows.

  2. Jacob

    You’ve just been introduced to the delightful music of Ween. Their music ranges from 70s rock to salsa-style weirdness, to creepy sing-song, to oddly sad nonsense. I *heart* them.

  3. M@

    jacob: yes, ween is beyond goodness.

    i would never attempt to describe what they do.

    you provided a very good description.

    sorry to be contrary michele, especially after having been neglecting your site for the past few weeks, but… delightful, ween is.

    delightful indeed.

  4. Jacob

    The only soundtrack song I know they’ve done was for South Park: “The Homo Rainbow”

    Which is a surprisingly pro-homosexuality song, given the title.

  5. erica

    bob the angry flower sometimes has a knife, does he not? jacob, mr. bob the angry flower expert? am i right, or am i strangely attracted to the andy kaufmann look-alike at ali baba’s cave? oh wait, that’s not an either/or question.

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