December 1, 2002 by

san diego crew, the


Categories: General

so marina just, JUST, sent me these pictures, and already i am displaying them for the world to see. this is only going to matter to like 4 people who know marina, jenny, and scott bailey, but whatever. the pictures are from halloween 2002.

katie, (marina’s housemate), mark (marina’s housemate), marina, and scott bailey.

mark and scott bailey.

scott bailey and his girlfriend, nicole.

someone named mike, marina, and jenny.

16 Responses to san diego crew, the

  1. didofoot


    was marina always that hot?

    she is fucking hot. it’s the cheekbones. she and brian should have a cheekbone battle to the death.

  2. michele

    well she does look REALLY good in red. too bad she doesn’t wear more of it. but i guess just when she’s being Po can she wear excessive amounts of a color that goes really well with her complexion. plus i think being in LUUUUUV is making her kind of *glow*.

  3. marina

    so much for the “not saying much” thing. you are too funny. oh well. still too happy to be irritated with you though. besides, you’re the only person i can spill to right now as katie is still supper pissed. oh well.

  4. michele

    what?! i just said you were in luuuv. i mentioned nothing about any other events that may or may not have taken place friday night. whatchyou talking bout, willis. i luuuuuv you!

  5. marina

    oh my mistake 😉 besides, i know you’ve already told the whole crew. i just got a congratulatory email from jason–of which i expect more such emails in the near future. oh, did i tell you that we’re thinking about going away for the weekend after finals? He’s thinking Mexico, the Catalinas, Vegas, or Palm Springs. What do you think?

  6. michele

    i think…well 1)i think why am i discussing this on my public page? and 2)wow mini-break already? busy little bees, aren’t we, hmm? and then i think, vegas?! that’s ours! and palm springs? boring. and we’re going there for coachella in the spring anyway. so i am totally voting the catalinas.

    p.s. JASON! (horrified whisper) control yourself! damn!

    seriously though. i technically only told erica.

    annnnd kristen and nuala.

    i haven’t told my mom. yet. she should be back from class in about half an hour though.

  7. holohan

    uh, yeah. hi, marina. i don’t know you or anything, but i’m gonna have to go with michele on the palm springs thing. i’m reading the list of destinations, and i’m like, “cool. cool. cool. wha?”

    also, ain’t nobody told me nothin’, so your secret is safe with me. or from me, anyway.

  8. marina

    you’re totally right. I was a bit miffed by Palm Springs and with Coachella there really is no point and Vegas is OURS! Vegas, baby, vegas.

    and obviously, i really don’t mind this public discussion of my not-so-secret, secret. Who is holohan anyway? All these new people–too much to keep track of. I better meet you all at New Years.

  9. michele

    holohan is actually in los angeles. where you were rather recently. although i bet he had a real bed. hwee! ok sorry sorry. i’m not telling.

    i’m glad you concede that vegas is ours. we should meet there again. i will sweep you off your feet for a magical get away weekend just the two of us. commme onnnn, i’ll buy you a big ass margarita and then dye your hair. jaunty, SEXY smile. (i can pull it off, i swear)

  10. jason

    Those margaritas are only good if you have somewhere to be in seven minutes that doesn’t allow outside drinks. And especially when they’re extra sour.

  11. Jolie

    Hey Marina!

    Congrats on your not so secret secret. I’m pitching in my vote for Catalina too. As someone who’s gone more times than I can count, I say it’s the perfect romantic getaway!

    Ok, toodles for now. Good Luck with finals!!!

    PS – say hi to Scott Bailey for me. I miss you crazy kids =)

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