December 8, 2002 by

swank soiree


Categories: General

so last night i journeyed to the pants party. and this is what i have to show for it:


seriously though, it was a lot of fun. and i really meant it when i told pants that it was good to see him again. which i was thinking about later see and it struck me as kind of odd that i actually missed someone who i haven’t know for 1/4 to 1/2 of my entire life. and it wasn’t just the lack of internet presence which i NEED to get me thru the day, i missed the pants. which ok maybe you don’t understand why i find so odd. for one: i do not make new friends easily. for two: i sometimes wonder if pants really considers us his friends. one plus two is: pants is even more pantsarific when he’s drunk.

furthermore i think i like the peach with longer hair, (for those of you who saw the peach shrine in the bedroom you will understand the 2 different hair lengths i am speaking of), but she is still incredibly gorgeous. i can say this without shame because pants told her that she has a fan club in the states, and i am just fulfilling my groupie status here.

addendum: never, NEVER again should you people let me wear the french tickler. i cannot agree to its being a good thing that i licked the majority of my friends last night. playing with my tongue piercing when nervous is bad enough.

add to my nervousness:

one tickler of exciting dimensions

plus lots of people with bare flesh exposed


result is biblical tongue knowledge in catastropic proportions.

holy crap i really have to shower. i’ve got to meet long-hai and jason (different jason) at 2pm for my movie montage fashion show in broadway plaza. hwee. those boys had better dress up real good (“you got a real purty mouth”) for my viewing pleasure.

p.s though. what is it with me and the math today?

3 Responses to swank soiree

  1. brian

    There was far too much french tickling, which I managed to avoid by pointing out other targets with bare flesh.

    Peach groupie here! Peach groupie here!

    I really have not much to say, but I have comment-making to do on the sush to catch up. Damn this having multiple jobs thing.

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