December 9, 2002 by



Categories: General


7 Responses to 8:11am

  1. didofoot

    this is a pathetic entry and does not deserve a comment. my boss is out today and i am work free thus far and avoiding my essay so why don’t you reveal something startling that will give me comment fodder okay? thanks, that’d be great.

  2. michele

    it may be a pathetic entry but it was a STUPENDOUS SPLASH!

    i almost lost control of the car and off-roaded onto the sidewalk into someone’s yard.

    so there.


  3. Nuala

    And might I mention that after we went through said puddle, she looked at me and went hwee! and was so excited and I went yes yes I know puddle like a tired parent who’s child had just come in overly excited and covered with water and mud from splashing around in the puddles.

    She was so cute.

  4. didofoot

    HWEE! brilliant.

    i have to say i only just now looked at that pic with marina and jenny both in it and you know what, jenny is looking pretty fucking hot as well. i comment here so that she is more likely to see it, since she didn’t get her props before.

  5. michele

    she doesn’t ever come to see the sush anyway. but maybe if i lightly mention that people are commenting on her hotness she will come…

    the other good thing about 8:11am was that nuala was in the middle of telling me something when the car in front of me went thru the puddle and i completely tuned her out in preparatory glee and then she kind of stopped talking when i swerved all over the place and then tried to pick up her thread again but i was already going “whee! whoa! oh! whee!” at her so she had to stop again and indulge my childish thillings.

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