December 19, 2002 by



Categories: General

i just posse-ed myself over to lunch with tracy, ian, marc, shannon, and janie (jamie?). it was fun! i was too broke to buy myself lunch and they kept trying to force me to take their money and ian rolled food over the table at me and then made me laugh while i was trying to surreptiously eat it without being noticed by the waiter.

and then i came back to work and katie (crate) was asking me what i’d eaten for lunch. ahem.

“so what’d you eat for lunch.”

“um i didn’t…i don’t have any money.”

“oh…but…uh…who did you go with?”

“my friend tracy who works over in the french dept and her husband and our friend marc and two of thier friends from where they work.”

“so you couldn’t charge the food?”

“nah. i ate too much chocolate anyway. whatevs yo. they’re all over 30 too and like to toss thier money around and kept offering to pay but i was like ‘no no is all right.”

“you hang out with 30 year olds?”

(this from a 28 year old.)




it’s funny how people are always a little shocked when i mention knowing 30 year olds. i wonder if the 30 year olds have issues with people when they mention hanging out with 20 year olds. is that not the same thing i wonder? i don’t think it is really. but i wait to hear from my 30 year olds. who are not mine a’tall mind, but wholly their own.

holy crap. so then katie was like, “i’m hungry let’s get chinese!” and i was like, “uhhhh…all right. i could charge it i guess.”** and then our boss was having these 2 people from santa cruz up for a meeting and they were kind of feeling peckish and so now i have this HUGE FUCKING PLATE OF FOOD for FREE! yeah lunch meeting! mmmmm orange beef and pot stickers… freeeeee…….i am a lucky goose. goooooossse……

*implicit in the “huh.” is the layered question, “what for?”

**which should not be any kind of indication on me not eating with youse guys at the other place. i really wasn’t too hungry then and i didn’t want you to have to pay. and using credit cards is a hassle. and….um…yeah. but i was so so happy to come and sit. and with the laughing and snorting of rice.

11 Responses to lunch-date

  1. tracy

    umm, 28 is like almost 30. age ain’t nothin’ but a thang, yo. it’s all about being happy and who makes the happy better. that’s my only requirement. my 20-something friends are wonderful, intelligent, kind, mature, and funny as hell. that’s alls i needs.

    i’m so glad you were there.

  2. michele

    dammit. i knew i was getting it wrong. sorry to janine who will hopefully never read my page anyway. i am a horrible name-remember-er.

    ha ha you think i’m mature! wellll we’ll just keep it that way. i am so mature. i am like an uber-mature-adult-type.

  3. brian

    yes, me being the lone true 20-year-old of the group (as far as I know), I can say it does feel odd to say that I am friends with 30-somethings. One thing, though: the 30-somethings I befriend tend to not look as I would expect a 30-something to look, and thus I don’t really notice.

    Take Marc as a case-in-point: I had no idea he is the old man he is until the Swank Soiree, and even then I was shocked. It still sounds shocking when I think about how he’s closer in age to my father than he is to me…

    How many people did I insult with that?

  4. michele

    today is my last day working on the 4th floor of this cushy campus job because tomorrow i am moving to the third floor into this renovated ball room office space. fucking CUSH-Y. i will take pictures and post them. it’s fucking amazing. we’ll all have to hang out on shattuck again and need pee breaks so y’all can see it.

  5. michele

    might i just add as i am unwilling to make a whole post about it: i LOVE the picture attached to our profiles on CH thing. i love it so much. jacob just put up his picture to which i say, hwee! yum! and yey pictures!

    glare. everybody needs a picture attached. lowering eyebrows glare. i go and look at mine all the time FOR NO REASON AT ALL. and i want more to look at. more and ever more.

  6. brian

    when I get home from this cushy job, I will unload a picture of me next to a GIANT ABACUS (with which gene will later be bopped in the head) off of my DIGITAL CAMERA!! That’s right! I can now join the digital camera crew as I have a DIGITAL CAMERA!! DIGITAL CAMERA!! DIGITAL CAMERA!! DIGITALCAMERA!! !!

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