December 20, 2002 by

e @ technical jargon iv loss, fear of


Categories: General

things are shaping up for the drive up to oregon. i’ve got me some snow tire chains. i have no presents for my family members other than a wine cozy for my aunt mary. i’m not packed. i’m not prepared. i’m skeptical about getting a room with a door, even if i’m willing to share with my mom and mary. and most horrific of all i will not have internet access for a whole week. i might shrivel up. maybe i’ll drop a pound or two based on the jitters. (no big loss.) maybe i’ll start chattering my teeth uncontrollably. maybe i’ll spasm and froth and be all in all a pitiful sight to behold. maybe they’ll give me my own room out of horrified sympathy. here’s to hoping. i love my family. i do. i love going to oregon for christmas. but more than three–three? i mean two–days trapped in the same house and i start to go a little crazy. the cabin fever pressure is going to boil up. the lack of weblog outlet is going to stifle me. i’m scared. i’m anticipatorily nervous for my sanity.

i wonder if anyone will miss me. i mean…have you gotten used to my millions of posts a week/day/morning? do you even care? will my absence make a difference? i guess we shall see. but i imagine everybody will be so busy with their own holidays affairs that no one will be on CH that much. and besides, i’m sure i’ll be sending postcards from SunRiver.

11 Responses to e @ technical jargon iv loss, fear of

  1. didofoot

    dood we will not miss the posts so much as we will miss YOU. i will anyways. try not to go crazy from cabin fever and knock over the xmas tree. try not to rescue any cats and bring them home either. it’s bad enough i can’t sit next to you without sneezing anymore.

    but uh i will miss you, was the salient point here.

  2. michele

    mmmm cats……….I will try my best not to bring any more home. nuala? you still taking care of mine? they are looking forward to seeing you! (ha that’s a lie)

    yeah! i am the tracy posse!

  3. didofoot

    okaaay…I’m just saying…I am a responsible grownup person now…but come on, how is anyone gonna believe me if you never let me prove myself…JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE HERE PEOPLE! THROW ME A BONE!

    i don’t really like cats though.

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