January 2, 2003 by

NY’sE pictures


Categories: General

ok so i know gene wants to compile these all in one place…but i’m not sure how else to get them from me to you gene. so i’m putting them here and you can either snag them from here….or…..bring a zip disk and we can try to download my scans or something. i can’t email them because the file would be too big for my puny little email to handle and sooooo anyway…i’m just putting them up here….for now…whatevs yo.

they’re not in any particular order, and they’re only half-assedly labeled. and there’s also another half roll of them that i’m going to have later. plus nuala’s pictures…maybe she’ll give me some of those bad boys. =)


Jason and Marina

Jason and Kristen

attacking the fire chief

Nuala, Marina, Erica, Jolie

burning anakin

Brian, Kim, Marina

sigma nudes 1

sigma nudes 2

marina, brian, nuala

Dustin, Erica, and Jolie.

Erica, Jolie, and Emily

Gene and Marc

Kristen, Nuala, and Kim

Nuala, Marc, and Jason.

sex bed

sexbed 2

sexbed 3

preparing the conflagration.




5 Responses to NY’sE pictures

  1. brian

    I swear I didn’t shoot anyone. Marina really wanted me too, though. Begged from the sex bed, if I remember correctly.

    Thank you for the pictures, one-l. I love you.

  2. michele

    i like that the sigma nudes are actually sort of visible and, more importantly, were actually given back to me by the fascist photo developers. =) and you’re welcome.

  3. didofoot

    it is WAY too early for genitals. you should warn people.

    but thanks for posting the pics, they are lovely. specially that v last one of you.

  4. michele

    you were warned. it says “NUDES”. missy.

    i think my favorites are the bow one and the one of kristen and jason on the stairs with the little dance routine. so far that is. maybe there’s more really good ones on the camera that i don’t know about yet. there’s some bacon ones certainly still to come. and some ross shopping cart ones.

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