January 2, 2003 by

tracy, tracy


Categories: General

happy birthday, tracy!

(sorry for the lateness. i have totally not been updating here.)

i tried to find this picture i have of you from baseball (the one i sent you thru ucb mail). but i can’t find my copy! sad. so….no picture for now. =( but happy birthday anyway! i hope you had fun at your party. i had fun. that sushi was good and vegan cake is fucking amazing for something with no butter or eggs. i was blown away. smileys.



12 Responses to tracy, tracy

  1. tracy

    Thanks, Michele!!! The party was a blast. Being surprised by your presence was priceless. Yes, Ian can roll a mean sushi. And the cake was fucking awesome. I have a secret. There were two cakes. We saved the second one for just us. We’re evil like that. Thanks for coming and hanging with me on my bday!!

    Yes, Kristen I will see you tomorrow. Love and peas!!

  2. dianna

    I love that you can’t say “testify” in comments, but you can come in and say i love women very sexy. Truly, we’ve eradicated the most questionable uses of cementhorizon, which are Michele using it to say “testify”, and left only the most relevant and productive uses.

    No, Gene, you can’t win. It’s not possible.

  3. gene

    Right on.

    I honestly don’t know why the ladies on CH haven’t begun developing a following with their digital camera’s and amazon wish lists. There are a lot of guys out there looking for somewhere to shower their affections.

  4. michele

    i don’t care where his mouth is. i’m looking for his wallet here. when it’s open, it’s like a mouth. and then money will come out of it. tongue of fucking gold, my friends. 24 karat gold. shower me with your love and affection. no golden showers though. let’s not go there.

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