January 17, 2003 by

hoi paloi


Categories: General

it’s amazing, frankly amazing, how quickly i can become fascinated by something.

yesterday in the car jacob was telling kristen and i about how he and dianna are looking for new room-mates for the apartment they are hoping to move into. and he was talking about the croatian dance instructor and the libyan bible thumper and the atlantean sheep-herder, and then he was like,

“and there’s this guy, goes by the name of hoi. he’s from austrialia.”

“oooo austrailia,” went kristen and i.

“well…that is he was just going to school there, but he was born in hong kong.”

kristen turns to me at this point, “it’s like your DREAM. asian AND austrialian cock.”

at which i, of course, laughed nervously.

but honestly speaking…i mean she’s kind of right.

so anyway, we are trying to convince jacob that he NEEDS to live with this hoi paloi fellow. but we are suspicious that he is not really listening to us seriously enough.

i wonder what it is about me that makes me so quick to latch onto people’s names and make up whole stories about them and fantasy type things. ok actually i know what is about me: overactive imagination, boredom, and plain loneliness. it accounts for the bit before college with the fascination of sam and then the strange dwarf karl (hoffman) fetish of sophomore – senior years.

that’s a dare right there. i wonder how long it will take SDK all the way to randomly be searching his own name and find this page. i mean adam f. found it. adam f. whose last name can’t be revealed for random (in)security reasons. (go all the way down to the bottom to see the comments from adam and this next one.) the guy looking for porn in middle european countries found me. and the sugar shoe fanatics who have made me the highest search result for ss’s, over and above the ss broken webpage found me most of all.

hmm i’m not sure i have the guts to let SDK find me. although…i mean…what the fuck does it matter now i guess? welll….there’s my reputation (what reputation?) and my self-respect (what? me?) and uh….my desire for people not to know that 1) i was stalking them and 2) the things i did while stalking them. which is not to say that everyone else i know doesn’t already know. since i wrote about it before while very carefully leaving out the last name. i’ve got to say i’m torn on this one. i think i will let it stand for like an hour and then panic and take it down.

15 Responses to hoi paloi

  1. didofoot

    i vote leave the entry, just delete his last name if you must so he can’t find it.

    i don’t see why he would be anything but flattered (and only slightly frightened) to find out the stalking thing though. it might be harder to explain the dwarf part. even though i think actually i made up the dwarf thing didn’t i? since i was going off your description and was confused?

  2. michele

    you did make it up and for sound value and having nothing to do with descriptors no less. but someone else made up “fat albert kid.” (jason).

    i did some research on it, and there are so many karl hoffmans out there that i think the chance is slim slim slim and so i no longer care.

  3. Nuala

    Does Kristen always make up the nicknames? I think maybe next time someone new comes in we should tape her mouth shut till she’s over the urge to give them another name.

  4. didofoot

    HEY! dood. i was the one who rescued you from “chicken nuala soup.” you should be grateful for my immense, godlike naming power, ms. ducky.

  5. Jacob

    Where did the Paloi thing come from, by the way? All I remember about the car ride was a whirlwind exchange in which I mentioned his first name, where he was born, and where he went to school, and suddenly you knew more about him that I did. How does one go about getting these amazing psychic powers? Cause I want ’em!

  6. Nuala

    No you started Chicken. Sean was content with doing Chicken Nuala Soup only every now. It was only really him. You decided it must be shortened to Chicken and you would have made Chicken a common used nickname for me if I hadn’t stated how much I hated it. So I just deflect your naming tendancies and managed to get you to use something less blahhh for me.

    So I stand by my original statement

  7. michele

    maybe if we tape her mouth shut someone ELSE will get first new-naming chance. someone like ME. yes. ME. YES! this plan is good, well though out plan, chicken.

    i named kristen camel once. oh wait. she named herself camel and i laughed heartily till she changed it to donkey. whereupon i wet myself and she changed it to horse. at which point i started gagging and making barnyard animal sounds till she changed it to pig. and even then it was really no great improvement.

  8. sean

    OK, this clears things up. I never knew Nuala was “Ducky” officially, so a lot of blog-and-duck-related items have done nothing but confuse me. I hereby apologize for Chicken Nuala Soup and any other annoyingly derogatory nicknames I may have made up when I was 14.

  9. nuala

    It’s okay Sean you just morphed the “Noodle” nickname which had followed me since 5th grade and all of that blame goes to Aaron Cavin. Of course he doesn’t remember this but I do and I blame him.

    Just so we’re clear I don’t want a return of Noodle or Chicken. Let’s just stick with Ducky thank you very much.

  10. Jacob

    I just noticed that Kristen and I have the same webpage. It’s good to know that Carthage has finally given into the unstoppable power of Avenue Canyons.

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