January 18, 2003 by

middle school


Categories: General

i was like, “you could just go to bed, michele. they don’t really need middle school pictures right this second.” but then i decided it wouldn’t do to deny my avid fans, right? the bad thing about these pictures is that i look awful in each of them. the good thing about these pictures, well the b&w ones anyway is the fun game you get to play of figuring out how many of those little munchkins YOU KNOW. the very least amount of people any of you should know is 4. i think. but maybe 6. you let me know. finally all those years working on the yearbook staff and being able to steal fun extra-curricular group photos like these pays off.




18 Responses to middle school

  1. j*2the*olie

    #1 WOW, Michele, you are amazing. Thank you sooooo much for this fun fun gift. I appreciate the fact that you stayed up to make me smile and humiliate your friends.

    #2 Dood, Kristen has ALWAYS looked like a model. Didn’t I see her on “Who’s the Boss” playing Samantha’s best friend or something? Yeah… I swear, her character was all depressed and needed support because her boyfriend was suffering from lukemia.

    #3 Ok, so far I have only been able to identify Michele, Sean, and Kristen. Who else am I looking for? I need hints here people. Apparently I suck at matching up my current friends with their early teen selves.

  2. sean

    In the first black-and-white photo, Kim is next to Michele, holding what I believe is the Model UN flag. I am fairly sure that Gene is on the top row, second from the left. I don’t think most of you know who the famous Adam F. is, but he’s third from the left in Row 2.

    In B&W #2, Katie Vigil is the furthest rightward person on the bottom row.

    Michele, I both love you and hate you for posting these.

  3. j*2the*olie

    Thanks for the tips, Sean! I ended up giving in to impatience and calling Michele to harrass her until she told me who was who. =)

  4. michele

    that is so gene. there’s also jason fong and scott (fixed the futon) who some people have met.

    sean: i’m glad you’re not serious mad. cause i was a little nervous. especially after kristen yelled at me on the phone about my posting privilages being taken away if i continued embarressing her “publicly” with middle school paraphanalia.

  5. michele

    p.s. also, yes totally the model un flag. sean, you remember when we dressed up in robes for being in the PLO? and kidnapped people? good times. and there were people wearing tablecloths there…hmm…yes. model un. fascinating. =P

    i’m going to bed now.

  6. danielle

    hi…i posted a totally ramble-y post somewhere around when some mexicans moved a refridgerator, but i figured i’d probably actually get a response if i posted somewhere more recent. anyway, here’s my story. i stumbled onto this web-spot when i was trying to hunt up some coolness sugar shoes with cool lace-up-y things, and i can’t exactly figure out what it is. is it just someplace for a group of irl friends to chat, and one of them happens to like sugar shoes? because if it is, i’m terribly sorry and i feel like i’ve invaded privacy or something. but if it’s not, props on a cool place and i may visit again. i’ll be grateful for at least a few days if someone will enlighten me.

    PS not that you probably care, but my name’s danielle and i live in georgia. =D

  7. michele

    um, hi, yes this is just a webpage where i make posts and then my friends and i chat (although i have no idea what irl is). and i do have an obsession with sugar shoes. and i own some really cute lace up ones now.

    but it’s not a private webpage by any means. we’re not averse to strangers. and you aren’t being invasive or anything. so please feel free to come back.

  8. Nuala

    Can I just mention that I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad I did not go to middle school with Michele! And Kristen if you know what it good for you you will not reveal any GS pictures of the time.

  9. didofoot

    I. Hate. You. Sushi.

    why, why does the nice sane stranger from georgia (hi danielle) pick THIS entry to come in on, this entry of shame and bad hair and middle schoolness? oh why? curse you sushi and all that you stand for. from here on out it’s war.

    too bad i have no bad pictures of you anywhere. i guess the naked pics will have to do…

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